Tuesday, March 07, 2006

i am NOT attacking the church

i'm attacking archaic beliefs AND some people with a penis who can NEVER know what it's like to be pregnant and others who get in the way of MY VERY LEGAL DECISION to take a morning after pill or not. seems like a conflict of itnerest to have a 'victims advocate' who will NOT give you ALL of the choices. and by the way, MOST women do not want to see a man as their victim advocate while at the hospital after reporting a rape. believe me i know. (i do admire him for being an advocate though, don't misunderstand that please)

State victim advocate opposes morning after pill legislation
By Susan Haigh, Associated Press Writer March 6, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. --State Victim Advocate James F. Papillo called on lawmakers Monday to oppose a bill requiring Connecticut hospitals, including Catholic institutions, to provide the "morning after pill" to rape victims.
Papillo, an ordained deacon in the Roman Catholic Church, also accused private victims' rights groups of attacking the church and religious freedoms.
He questioned any need for the bill and told the legislature's Public Health Committee that he has never received a complaint from a rape victim who was denied the pill from a Catholic hospital. Papillo has held the job for more than six years.
"What's being proposed here is a solution in search of a problem. Victims are not being denied services," he said, adding that Catholic hospitals refer victims to places where they can obtain the pills.
Papillo, who told legislators he was speaking as the victim advocate and not as a deacon, accused private advocacy organizations of using crime victims to further an anti-Catholic agenda.
"I see this for what it is. It is not a victims' rights issue. It is not a victims' services issue," Papillo said. "Victims here are being used as a hook to further an agenda they are hiding ... The issue is an attack on the Catholic institutions."
Officials from Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Services Inc., which is lobbying for the legislation, said they were shocked by Papillo's remarks. The 24-year-old group runs a rape crisis hot line and accompanies rape victims to emergency rooms, among other services, and is not a political organization, said Laura Cordes, director of policy and advocacy for ConnSACS.........

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