Tuesday, February 27, 2007

the old, can i have change switch-a-roo

i've seen this done and not know it was being done until AFTER. i know now....

they're (usually) very good at it.

Scam Hits West Hartford Stores

By DANIEL P. JONES, The Hartford Courant

WEST HARTFORD -- Police are warning local stores to watch out for two men who last week scammed Shaws, Whole Foods and Wild Oats markets out of $1,200 in cash.The two men, possibly driving a silver Ford Taurus, stole $400 from each of the food stores Friday, carrying out a deception involving a request to exchange small bills for larger ones, police said.

"Hopefully the businesses will keep an eye out for these guys and give us a call if they see anything like this," Capt. Lori Coppinger said Monday...........

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