he asks the question we ALL should be asking. WHY DID DA LIEBS VOTE TO TEAR UP OUR CONSTITUTION
Lieberman Hit On Torture
Candidate Parries, Favors Tuition Relief For Higher Ed
By ELIZABETH HAMILTONCourant Staff Writer October 7 2006
Kevin Miner isn't affiliated with the Lamont campaign. In his own words, he's no plant.But Miner, who said he has voted for U.S. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman in the past, showed up at his former school - Southern Connecticut State University - Friday afternoon with a question that could easily have been scripted by Lieberman's Democratic challenger, Ned Lamont. It turned out to be a question that others in the room shared."I want to know what the moral reasoning is for a man who went from being a Freedom Rider to being a torture apologist," Miner asked Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, as some in the crowd applauded. "I want to know how you justify that."It wasn't the only tough question Lieberman faced from the college crowd in New Haven Friday, where he had gone to announce his idea for making college more affordable. But he answered the question - and others - without apology."Obviously I don't accept your second description," Lieberman said, and then launched into a spirited defense of his recent vote on legislation governing the prosecution and interrogation of terror suspects. The approval by Congress of the detainee bill was considered a significant election-season victory for President Bush and the Republicans................
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006

Moose Loose On Farmington, West Harford Border
do YOU want this man representing the fair state of connecticut
and it's good citizens? i sure as shite don't. i don't want someone who supports king george's unjust war based upon lies. i also don't want someone who supports hastert
da liebs new commerical has a bunch o' folk saying the world will come to an end (not in those exact words mind you) if ned lamont wins in november. i for one disagree. i think the world IS coming to an end NOW with king george and all of his supporters reigning (and yeah, that includes da liebs)
Lieberman continues attacking critics of sexual predator cover up
By David Sirota
Created Oct 5 2006 - 10:09pm
So let's see...a congressman gets exposed as a child sexual predator [1], having Internet sex with underage pages between House votes [2]. A fellow Republican congressman exposes evidence that the Speaker of the House was informed [3] of the sexual predator's behavior, and did nothing about it for months or even years. The Speaker does not deny the evidence. Yet, when lawmakers call for the Speaker to resign, what does Joe Lieberman do? He focus his major attacks not on the sexual predator, not on the Speaker who covered up the scandal - but instead, he attacks critics of the Speaker.
No really, this is not a joke. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Joe Lieberman's comments from today in Torrington [4] about the scandal, in which he reiterates his earlier attacks [5] on Ned Lamont and others for calling for Hastert's immediate resignation in the wake of the sexual predator scandal:
"Right now I’d say this thing is spinning out of control, it’s become another partisan frenzy in Washington, that’s the wrong way to go at it."
So let me get this straight: Joe Lieberman's major reaction to this awful, disgusting and horrific scandal is to berate as "partisan" those who want just a smidgeon of accountability? Of course, he never explains how it can be "partisan" when many of the loudest calls for Hastert's immediate resignation are from conservatives [6]. But even beyond the dishonesty is the sheer shamelessness of it all. These pious declarations are coming from the same man who used the consensual affair between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky to build his own name recognition by parading himself all over the Washington talk show circuit as Mr. Moral. .......
da liebs new commerical has a bunch o' folk saying the world will come to an end (not in those exact words mind you) if ned lamont wins in november. i for one disagree. i think the world IS coming to an end NOW with king george and all of his supporters reigning (and yeah, that includes da liebs)
Lieberman continues attacking critics of sexual predator cover up
By David Sirota
Created Oct 5 2006 - 10:09pm
So let's see...a congressman gets exposed as a child sexual predator [1], having Internet sex with underage pages between House votes [2]. A fellow Republican congressman exposes evidence that the Speaker of the House was informed [3] of the sexual predator's behavior, and did nothing about it for months or even years. The Speaker does not deny the evidence. Yet, when lawmakers call for the Speaker to resign, what does Joe Lieberman do? He focus his major attacks not on the sexual predator, not on the Speaker who covered up the scandal - but instead, he attacks critics of the Speaker.
No really, this is not a joke. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Joe Lieberman's comments from today in Torrington [4] about the scandal, in which he reiterates his earlier attacks [5] on Ned Lamont and others for calling for Hastert's immediate resignation in the wake of the sexual predator scandal:
"Right now I’d say this thing is spinning out of control, it’s become another partisan frenzy in Washington, that’s the wrong way to go at it."
So let me get this straight: Joe Lieberman's major reaction to this awful, disgusting and horrific scandal is to berate as "partisan" those who want just a smidgeon of accountability? Of course, he never explains how it can be "partisan" when many of the loudest calls for Hastert's immediate resignation are from conservatives [6]. But even beyond the dishonesty is the sheer shamelessness of it all. These pious declarations are coming from the same man who used the consensual affair between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky to build his own name recognition by parading himself all over the Washington talk show circuit as Mr. Moral. .......
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
face for radio part ii
some new laws on the books
as of october 1st
Start of October brings dozens of new state laws
Hartford-AP, October 1, 2006 8:45 AM)_ The first day of October has ushered in more than 100 new state laws or sections of laws that address everything from teen drinking parties to child welfare cases. Starting today, it is illegal for someone to knowingly allow minors to possess alcohol on their private property. The legislation closes a loophole that allowed parents to hold house parties with alcohol for their teens and friends. The first offense is an infraction, but subsequent offenses carry up to a year in prison and a fine of up to $500, or both. The law also bans minors from possessing alcohol anywhere, instead of only in public places. Another new law requires the Department of Children and Families to notify a child's grandparents if the agency removes that child from parental custody. Lawmakers say the law will help keep families together. Starting today, the government will be prohibited, in most cases, from subpoenaing members of the news media to testify, produce or disclose information from confidential sources. .............
Start of October brings dozens of new state laws
Hartford-AP, October 1, 2006 8:45 AM)_ The first day of October has ushered in more than 100 new state laws or sections of laws that address everything from teen drinking parties to child welfare cases. Starting today, it is illegal for someone to knowingly allow minors to possess alcohol on their private property. The legislation closes a loophole that allowed parents to hold house parties with alcohol for their teens and friends. The first offense is an infraction, but subsequent offenses carry up to a year in prison and a fine of up to $500, or both. The law also bans minors from possessing alcohol anywhere, instead of only in public places. Another new law requires the Department of Children and Families to notify a child's grandparents if the agency removes that child from parental custody. Lawmakers say the law will help keep families together. Starting today, the government will be prohibited, in most cases, from subpoenaing members of the news media to testify, produce or disclose information from confidential sources. .............
reminder-please have a mammogram
AND in addition examine your breasts at least once a month. i had my mammo last friday (it had been a while. i just forgot, but that is NO excuse).
and as a coincidence, i just ran across this little article
Women should regularly check their breasts for lumps
dpa German Press Agency Published: Sunday October 1, 2006
Munich, Germany- Women should regularly examine their breasts for lumps in addition to having checkups such as mammography screening by a gynaecologist. Monthly breast self-examinations could detect most malignant tumours early, according to the Munich-based Professional Association of Gynaecologists (BDF). Every woman should check her breasts each month beginning at about age 20. A gynaecologist can explain how to detect changes. The best time for a self-examination was during the first two weeks after the menstrual cycle started, when breast tissue was soft and generally not very sensitive to pressure. Signs of possible breast cancer are new lumps or thickening in a breast or armpit, puckering or dimpling in a breast or nipple, or an increase in the size of one breast. Other signs are changes in a breast's appearance when both arms are raised, a discharge from a nipple, or a sudden reddening of a breast or nipple................
and as a coincidence, i just ran across this little article
Women should regularly check their breasts for lumps
dpa German Press Agency Published: Sunday October 1, 2006
Munich, Germany- Women should regularly examine their breasts for lumps in addition to having checkups such as mammography screening by a gynaecologist. Monthly breast self-examinations could detect most malignant tumours early, according to the Munich-based Professional Association of Gynaecologists (BDF). Every woman should check her breasts each month beginning at about age 20. A gynaecologist can explain how to detect changes. The best time for a self-examination was during the first two weeks after the menstrual cycle started, when breast tissue was soft and generally not very sensitive to pressure. Signs of possible breast cancer are new lumps or thickening in a breast or armpit, puckering or dimpling in a breast or nipple, or an increase in the size of one breast. Other signs are changes in a breast's appearance when both arms are raised, a discharge from a nipple, or a sudden reddening of a breast or nipple................
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