Saturday, April 08, 2006
i'm glad i came upon this article
UConn Students Divided Over How To Greet Scalia
Courant Staff Writer
April 8 2006
A same-sex kissing booth is not exactly what you'd expect to greet a U.S. Supreme Court justice visiting Hartford next week.
But for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, known for his conservative rulings, strongly worded opinions and a recent hand-to-chin gesture that caused a stir outside church, it might not be that farfetched.
Scalia is coming to the University of Connecticut Law School Tuesday and Wednesday to teach two courses and deliver a speech.
But the buzz surrounding his visit began weeks ago with professors hosting panel discussions, police mapping out security and students on the university's e-mail system vigorously debating his rulings and the best way to protest his visit.
Other students said they respect Scalia's intelligence and skillful reasoning and have been using their legal training to sway their classmates to their viewpoint.
"Many of us are genuinely thrilled to have him come to campus," said Bruce H. Adams, president of the UConn Student Bar Association.
"He certainly has a way with words and writes lively opinions. I guess I'm looking forward to really seeing the man behind the opinions," said UConn law student David L. Lawton, editor-in-chief of the Connecticut Journal of International Law..........
joey joey joey - your silence speaks VOLUMES
Perplexing No-Show By Joe
Lieberman Reacts With Silence After Report Ties Leaks To Bush
Courant Staff Writer
April 8 2006
News of President Bush authorizing leaks of intelligence reports to discredit critics of the Iraq war broke before noon Thursday. Democrats quickly lined up to demand a public accounting.
Conspicuous in his silence was Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, D-Conn., the politician analysts say could have benefited most by speaking out.
Analysts and operatives in both parties said Friday they were puzzled that Lieberman, whose perceived coziness with the Republican president is fueling a primary challenge by Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont, found nothing to say about Bush for 28 hours.
"Say anything. Even something mildly critical would have no doubt helped in his primary," said Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia political scientist. ...........
Thursday, April 06, 2006
i thought that's what this was
Catholic bishops claim church is under fire at Capitol
By Susan Haigh, Associated Press Writer April 5, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. --Connecticut's three Roman Catholic bishops said Wednesday that they believe their church is under fire in the state legislature, where there have been efforts to require Catholic hospitals to provide emergency contraception for rape victims.
Hartford Archbishop Henry J. Mansell, speaking to more than 500 followers who attended Catholic Day at the Capitol, did not accuse specific legislators of being anti-Catholic. But the archbishop said he does believe "Catholic bashing" is on the increase and there is an abortion rights agenda behind the emergency contraception bill.
"We have to see the agenda beneath the agenda," Mansell said. "Many would like to see Catholic services and the Catholic Church go away."
A bill that would have required all hospitals, including Catholic ones, to provide the morning-after pill to rape victims died in the Public Health Committee last month after the panel ran out of time to act.
But last week, a version of the legislation reappeared in the Democrats' spending bill. It set aside $5 million in energy assistance for hospitals that provide rape victims with emergency contraception......
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
we have lost the rockville rocket; the town without pity will no longer have gene pitney

Singer Gene Pitney Dies at 65
Apr 5, 8:07 AM (ET)
LONDON (AP) - Gene Pitney, the singer whose hits included "It Hurts to Be in Love" and "Town Without Pity," died Wednesday at a hotel in Cardiff, Wales, during a British tour, his agent said. He was 65.
Pitney was found in his bed by his tour manager, Mark Hawes of In Touch Music told the British Broadcasting Corp.
"He did a good show last night at St. David's Hall and it was wonderful," he said.
There was no immediate word on a cause of death.
Born in Hartford, Connecticut, Pitney had his first success as a song writer with "Rubber Ball" which was a top 10 hit for Bobby Vee in 1961.
As a solo performer, he had his first success later that year with "Love My Life Away." And he had another hit as a writer with Ricky Nelson's "Hello Mary Lou."......
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here here for this judge!
Special probation ruled out in animal cruelty case
April 4, 2006
BRIDGEPORT, Conn. --A Superior Court judge has denied special probation to a Bridgeport man accused of ripping off the tail of a greyhound at the Shoreline Star dog track.
Shawn Smith, 20, Monday was denied an application for accelerated rehabilitation after both the prosecutor and the owner of the dog objected. The special probation could have led to criminal charges being erased from Smith's record.
Smith's job at Shoreline Star included leading the racing dogs to the track and he was arrested weeks after an incident at the track on Sept. 6.......
for the most part i like dodd
AP Interview: Dodd says he has "itch" for 2008 presidential bid
By Andrew Miga, Associated Press Writer April 4, 2006
WASHINGTON --U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd says he is considering running for president in 2008.
"It's an itch," Dodd told The Associated Press during an interview in his Senate office on Monday. "Could grow. Could disappear. It's an itch. It's not a bad word to use."
The 2008 race for the Democratic nomination is expected to be a crowded one, with national figures such as Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., seen as likely candidates.
"There's an itch," Dodd said. "It's a little itch at this point."
Dodd said he realizes that the field is rapidly starting to take shape. Other Democratic presidential hopefuls are already laying the foundation for possible White House bids, traveling to key primary states, lining up campaign staffers and courting top fundraisers.
"If you have any thoughts of doing it, you ought to make up your mind pretty quickly because the window closes," the senator said.
He did not offer any timetable on a decision.........
however, this woman did something unbelievable, something wonderful. she offered canada 16,000,000 to STOP the seal hunt.
i am of the belief that animals are NOT necessarily lower forms of life than humans by the way. they are just a different FORM of life. yet i also wonder what sorts of food, or education or medicine or shelters 16,000,000 can buy for (if not the children of this nation) canadian children.... tough dilemma here
Connecticut Businesswoman Makes $16 Million Offer to Canadian Prime Minister to End Slaughter of Canadian Baby Seals
NEW CANAAN, Conn., April 4 /CNW/ -- In a just-released letter toCanadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Cathy Kangas, CEO and Founder of PRAIBeauty, a global beauty company, has offered to raise the $16 million thatCanadian fishermen will realize from the sale of the pelts of slaughtered babyseals. Ms. Kangas wrote: "If you stop this year's hunt immediately, we willprovide you with the $16 million to be distributed at your discretion." TheCanadian government has stated repeatedly that the seal hunt provides neededoff-season income to the fishermen in the communities of the Gulf of St.Lawrence and Newfoundland. Ms. Kangas also proposed working with the Canadian government to institutea program to buy back existing fishing licenses and launch a program ofeco-tourism in Northeastern Canada to replace the seal hunt. "Canadianfishermen could earn more money serving as park rangers for high end tours toCanada to see the beautiful spectacle of seals giving birth on the ice floes,"she noted. She said that whale-watching tours in Canada have been verysuccessful attracting visitors. "We are providing you with an alternative to what Paul McCartney called 'astain on the character of the Canadian people.' If this is really simply aneconomic problem, then take our offer," Mrs. Kangas stated in her letter. Themoney, she pointed out, will be raised from private citizens and animalprotection groups worldwide which oppose the seal hunt including The Humane Society of the United States, which has more than nine million members............
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
i had NO idea glenn tilbrook was going to be in new haven tonight~

i'm pissed. there is NO WAY i can attend a 9:00 show in new haven. had i known i would have PLANNED for it. DAMN DAMN DAMN
Tilbrook A Legend Living In Obscurity
April 4, 2006 By ERIC R. DANTON, Courant Rock Critic
There's a good chance you can hum one or two of Glenn Tilbrook's songs without a second thought.There's an equally good chance you could pass him on the street without giving him a second glance.
Tilbrook, a singer and songwriter who was the primary voice of the influential English rock band Squeeze, occupies a rare niche in popular music - that of the obscure rock legend. The notion of credibility without accompanying fame is familiar to theater and cinema, where character actors abound. It's much less common in pop music, where someone who performs a well-known song - say, the Squeeze hits "Tempted" or "Black Coffee in Bed" - often has a well-known face. Think Bono, or Bowie.Although Tilbrook says people occasionally recognize him, he's usually able to live unmolested by the star-hungry public."It happens sometimes, but not really to the point where it's a burden to my life," he says by phone from New York City, on a solo tour that stops tonight in New Haven............
Glenn Tilbrook performs tonight at Café Nine, 250 State St., New Haven. Jim Bianco opens. Tickets are $20 for the 9 p.m. show. Information: 203-789-8281.
my favorite squeeze song: annie get your gun
She goes for her medical
She’s passed,
it’s a miracle
She’s up over the moon
She whistles nonsense tunes
She wants drinks for everyone
She’s found a chord that she can strum
Emotions leaking out
Her paint’s all over town
What’s that she’s playing?
(annie get your gun)
What’s that she’s taking?
(the song has to be sung)
She’s gone electric
(annie wipe them out)
That’s unexpected
(strum that thing and shout)
Don’t pull that trigger
(annie get your gun)
Don’t shoot that singer
(you’re shooting number one)
He’s not into miracles
Sees life all too cynical
The cat has got his tongue
Now she bangs on his drum
He says pull the other one
Bells ring, look what you have done
Emotions leaking out
Her paint’s all over town
isn't king george against procedures like this?
Living Breakthrough Doctors Regrow Part Of Middletown Girl's Bladder, Fuel Hope For Organ Regeneration
April 4, 2006 By COLIN POITRAS, Courant Staff Writer
A 16-year-old Middletown girl is one of only seven people in the country who have successfully re-grown significant portions of their damaged bladders, in what doctors are saying is a major breakthrough in organ regeneration that could someday help heart patients and others. Although Kaitlyne McNamara completed her surgery five years ago, a research team at the Children's Hospital in Boston wanted to make sure the procedure worked before announcing its accomplishments Monday in an online edition of The Lancet, a leading British medical journal.
The cheery high school junior was enjoying her newfound celebrity status Monday, speaking to relatives about her upcoming appearances on ABC and CNN and fielding media phone calls with Hollywood star aplomb."I am one of the first successful ones in the United States," an excited McNamara explained to a reporter in a brief phone interview after coming home from school. She is a junior at Middletown High School. ..........
nbc 30 REFUSES to air ad
04/03/2006 @ 10:06 amFiled by RAW STORY
NBC affiliates have rejected ads targeting 4 Republicans for voting in the interest of big oil, RAW STORY has learned.
The $1.3 million ad buy, which MoveOn calls the first in a series, will target four Congresspersons in competitive districts. Representatives Chris Chocola (IN-2), Thelma Drake (VA-2), Nancy Johnson (CT-5) and Deborah Pryce (OH-15) will be the first hit. All four voted against giving the U.S. Department of Justice authority to prosecute oil companies for alleged price gouging.
According to the National Republican Congressional Committee, NBC affiliates in Columbus, OH and Hartford, CT have refused to air the ads.
The campaign will be launched at a telepress conference today at 1 pm EST.
The ads and their substantiation, can be viewed at
The complete script of the Virginia ad follows: (click title for link)
ahhhhhhhh here's the courant's take on things (a BIT different than the story above i must say)
Johnson, Murphy Feud Over Ads Campaign Heats Up Early In 5th District
By MARK PAZNIOKAS Courant Staff WriterApril 4 2006
The political air wars opened Monday with caustic television commercials that tar U.S. Rep. Nancy L. Johnson and her opponent, Christopher Murphy, with the acts of others.A liberal advocacy group,, struck first with a commercial that links Johnson, a 5th District Republican, to the symbol of Washington corruption, convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff. She has no ties to Abramoff.One local television station refused to air the ad.With more than $2 million in the bank, the Johnson campaign counter-attacked with a commercial holding Murphy, a Democratic state senator, responsible for the MoveOn ad. Murphy has no affiliation with the group. The spot will air today.The unexpected flurry of political punching and counterpunching, more typical of Labor Day than the opening day of the baseball season, was a reminder that all three GOP congressional seats in Connecticut will be hotly contested as Republicans try to maintain control of the House."It is a stunning exchange, I will say, by both sides so early in this campaign," said Brian Flaherty, the chairman of the Johnson campaign. "When the first punch was thrown, Nancy and the campaign decided not to take it sitting down."Murphy said he preferred that no independent groups air commercials in the 5th District, but he refused to call the MoveOn commercial unfair for linking Abramoff to Johnson, who never accepted money from the corrupt lobbyist. Murphy said the ads by Johnson and MoveOn should be judged differently."The difference is she controls the content of her ad. I don't control or have anything to do with the content of the ad," Murphy said. "It seems totally hypocritical to respond to an ad that she thinks unfairly links her with Jack Abramoff with her own ad that unfairly links me to" on Monday began airing ads criticizing Johnson and three other GOP House members in Indiana, Ohio and Virginia. All four are engaged in so-called "second-tier races," contests in which incumbents are targeted by Democrats, yet the Republicans still are considered significant favorites. Democrats need a net gain of 15 seats to take the House.The group has committed $1.3 million to a series of ads that will air against the four incumbents between now and June. About $340,000 has been budgeted for the campaign against Johnson to assure that most viewers see the ad several times.The first MoveOn commercial ostensibly is about Johnson's relationship with the energy industry, which has given her more than $300,000 in campaign contributions over her 24-year career in Congress. The spot recites energy measures she has supported, which the ads described as anti-consumer.....
and here is the script for the nancy johnson commercial from
you can judge for yourself (they do say ms johnson took money from OIL COMPANIES not abramoff. however, they DO mention abramoff in the commercial. again, judge for yourself)
Monday, April 03, 2006
you'd have to be rather nuts to shoot at the hell's angels (i would think)
(West Haven-WTNH, Apr. 2, 2006 11:00 PM) _ A member of a motorcycle group is gunned down on I-95.
Just after 9 p.m. all the lanes of I-95 S in West Haven were reopened to traffic. At least two lanes were closed for over 5 hours after someone shot two members of the Hell's Angels.
One biker was killed and another was injured.
The investigation extends all along the East Coast. Dozens of police agencies have been alerted to be on the lookout for those responsible for the shooting. The man who was killed is known as the head of the chapter of the Hell's Angels in Connecticut.
Members of the Hell's Angels turned up at the hospital where their injured member was taken. Police also turned out in full force to maintain the calm on the streets........