it is OUR right to have this drug available to us. way to go ms wyman! thanks Comptroller wants Wal-Marts to stock emergency contraception
February 16, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. --State Comptroller Nancy Wyman has asked Wal-Mart to stock emergency contraception pills in its 20 Connecticut pharmacies.
The state board that oversees pharmacies in Massachusetts ruled this week that Wal-Marts there must stock the so-called "morning after pill." Illinois Wal-Marts also carry emergency contraception because state law requires it, but Wal-Marts in other states do not.
Wal-Mart spokesman Dan Fogleman said Thursday that the company is reviewing its national policy on emergency contraception, also known as Plan B.
"Women's health is a priority for Wal-Mart," Fogleman said. "There's a lot of broader considerations, but it's something we're giving a lot of thought to."
Saturday, February 18, 2006
mass did it, now connecticut HAS to
it is OUR right to have this drug available to us. way to go ms wyman! thanks Comptroller wants Wal-Marts to stock emergency contraception
February 16, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. --State Comptroller Nancy Wyman has asked Wal-Mart to stock emergency contraception pills in its 20 Connecticut pharmacies.
The state board that oversees pharmacies in Massachusetts ruled this week that Wal-Marts there must stock the so-called "morning after pill." Illinois Wal-Marts also carry emergency contraception because state law requires it, but Wal-Marts in other states do not.
Wal-Mart spokesman Dan Fogleman said Thursday that the company is reviewing its national policy on emergency contraception, also known as Plan B.
"Women's health is a priority for Wal-Mart," Fogleman said. "There's a lot of broader considerations, but it's something we're giving a lot of thought to."
February 16, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. --State Comptroller Nancy Wyman has asked Wal-Mart to stock emergency contraception pills in its 20 Connecticut pharmacies.
The state board that oversees pharmacies in Massachusetts ruled this week that Wal-Marts there must stock the so-called "morning after pill." Illinois Wal-Marts also carry emergency contraception because state law requires it, but Wal-Marts in other states do not.
Wal-Mart spokesman Dan Fogleman said Thursday that the company is reviewing its national policy on emergency contraception, also known as Plan B.
"Women's health is a priority for Wal-Mart," Fogleman said. "There's a lot of broader considerations, but it's something we're giving a lot of thought to."
Friday, February 17, 2006
i myself have and wear this (the kiss) button
i appropriated it at the meet ned lamont get together i went to a few weeks back
Lieberman, Bush `Smooch' Conveys Connecticut Democrats' Unrest
Feb. 16 (Bloomberg) -- It was just a kiss on the cheek. Now Joe Lieberman's ``smooch'' from President George W. Bush may become a symbol of the first Democratic effort to unseat the party's three-term senator.
A campaign button depicting the embrace, which took place after last year's State of the Union address, is circulating among a group of Democrats attempting to organize a primary challenge to the 63-year-old Lieberman. Their complaint: he is too close to Bush, especially on the Iraq war.
``That kiss was like jumping in the president's pocket,'' said Ted Cummings, who has been chairman of the Manchester Democratic Town Committee since 1961. ``Some things you just don't do, brother. You draw back when the president wants to give you a big smooch.''
Cummings is one of several local Democratic power brokers being wooed by Ned Lamont, a 52-year-old Greenwich businessman and war critic who says he is ``90 percent'' sure he will enter the August primary. While Lamont would be a long shot, a Lieberman challenge may expose deepening party divisions over the war and attract support from national Democratic groups uneasy about Lieberman. .......
Lieberman, Bush `Smooch' Conveys Connecticut Democrats' Unrest
Feb. 16 (Bloomberg) -- It was just a kiss on the cheek. Now Joe Lieberman's ``smooch'' from President George W. Bush may become a symbol of the first Democratic effort to unseat the party's three-term senator.
A campaign button depicting the embrace, which took place after last year's State of the Union address, is circulating among a group of Democrats attempting to organize a primary challenge to the 63-year-old Lieberman. Their complaint: he is too close to Bush, especially on the Iraq war.
``That kiss was like jumping in the president's pocket,'' said Ted Cummings, who has been chairman of the Manchester Democratic Town Committee since 1961. ``Some things you just don't do, brother. You draw back when the president wants to give you a big smooch.''
Cummings is one of several local Democratic power brokers being wooed by Ned Lamont, a 52-year-old Greenwich businessman and war critic who says he is ``90 percent'' sure he will enter the August primary. While Lamont would be a long shot, a Lieberman challenge may expose deepening party divisions over the war and attract support from national Democratic groups uneasy about Lieberman. .......
first i'd like to give a shout out to the hartford pd
for a couple of things that happened yesterday. i can say NO more........
secondly, THIS West Hartford Police Investigating Armed Robbery at a 7-11 happened just a stone's throw from my hood.......NOT good
WEST HARTFORD -- Police say several men armed with weapons robbed a 7-11 store in West Hartford just after midnight Thursday. And as of early Thursday afternoon the suspects are still on the loose.
Police say the early morning hold-up was especially traumatizing for the 7-11 clerk as four men burst in, three then pulled guns and robbed the clerk.
"You're not talking one gun. You had three guns here," said Lori Coppinger of West Hartford police. "It was very traumatic for the victim." ............
secondly, THIS West Hartford Police Investigating Armed Robbery at a 7-11 happened just a stone's throw from my hood.......NOT good
WEST HARTFORD -- Police say several men armed with weapons robbed a 7-11 store in West Hartford just after midnight Thursday. And as of early Thursday afternoon the suspects are still on the loose.
Police say the early morning hold-up was especially traumatizing for the 7-11 clerk as four men burst in, three then pulled guns and robbed the clerk.
"You're not talking one gun. You had three guns here," said Lori Coppinger of West Hartford police. "It was very traumatic for the victim." ............
Thursday, February 16, 2006
my funny valentine..........

stay little valentine stayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (elvis costello does a kick-ass version by the way)
from our own hartford courant
Is Lieberman President's Valentine?
By JIM SHEA Courant Staff Writer February 16 2006
Tongues were wagging in Bloggersville Wednesday.President Bush threw a romantic Valentine's Day dinner at the White House Tuesday night, and who was on the guest list? None other than his favorite Democratic arm candy, Sen. Joe Lieberman.A blogger on the Daily Kos went so far as to pen lyrics, set to the tune "My Funny Valentine":
"My little Lieberman,"Sweet Joey Lieberman,"You make my life so much fun,"It's undeniable that you're reliable,"When I have to look nonpartisan."....
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
oh my goddess, what a wonderful column on snow
as a young grrrl, i remember watching a movie (i think in black and white) about snow. it took place in a boy's bedroom i believe. i cannot find it on the imdb but i know i'm not making it up. it was surreal and it may not have had much if any dialog.
by susan campbell in today's hartford courant
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Sunday Takes The Adult Out Of The Girl
Susan Campbell
February 15 2006
Just for the record, no one really uses the word "nor'easter." No one talks that way, save for weather people and whalers wandering in from the sea. And even then, maybe it's only television whalers who talk that way.But I like the sound of it. I like that my family farther south calls to check on me during a nor'easter. They watch the Weather Channel and get whipped into a frenzy. Visions of wooly mammoths will keep them up nights if they don't call to be reassured that, yes, it's snowing, but no, it's not fatal.Can I let you in on a secret? Nor'easter or no, I love snow days. I love snow days even when they fall on weekends and there's nothing to interrupt and nothing to reschedule.Snow softens things. It turns hard rocks into round lumps of icing. It erases roads and blurs boundaries. I can walk down the middle of my street during a snowstorm, and who's going to stop me? The plows are infrequent, and most of my neighbors have the good sense to stay inside.Not me. I have lived in New England for two decades, and the snow - so infrequent where I grew up - still enthralls me. Back home, we must have photographed every winter storm that came through. Our albums are dotted with faded-out Polaroids of wiggling children bundled to their eyes, standing knee-deep in the white stuff. I am one of those children. I know that beneath the scarves, those children's grins are delirious. In our rare snowstorms, we would blast out of the house into a world made new and run from marker to marker to see how the snow had changed things, how it clung to Mrs. Green's chain-link fence, how it drifted over the broken picnic table out back. The snow showed us that even the most familiar things could be altered into something else entirely.......
by susan campbell in today's hartford courant
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Sunday Takes The Adult Out Of The Girl
Susan Campbell
February 15 2006
Just for the record, no one really uses the word "nor'easter." No one talks that way, save for weather people and whalers wandering in from the sea. And even then, maybe it's only television whalers who talk that way.But I like the sound of it. I like that my family farther south calls to check on me during a nor'easter. They watch the Weather Channel and get whipped into a frenzy. Visions of wooly mammoths will keep them up nights if they don't call to be reassured that, yes, it's snowing, but no, it's not fatal.Can I let you in on a secret? Nor'easter or no, I love snow days. I love snow days even when they fall on weekends and there's nothing to interrupt and nothing to reschedule.Snow softens things. It turns hard rocks into round lumps of icing. It erases roads and blurs boundaries. I can walk down the middle of my street during a snowstorm, and who's going to stop me? The plows are infrequent, and most of my neighbors have the good sense to stay inside.Not me. I have lived in New England for two decades, and the snow - so infrequent where I grew up - still enthralls me. Back home, we must have photographed every winter storm that came through. Our albums are dotted with faded-out Polaroids of wiggling children bundled to their eyes, standing knee-deep in the white stuff. I am one of those children. I know that beneath the scarves, those children's grins are delirious. In our rare snowstorms, we would blast out of the house into a world made new and run from marker to marker to see how the snow had changed things, how it clung to Mrs. Green's chain-link fence, how it drifted over the broken picnic table out back. The snow showed us that even the most familiar things could be altered into something else entirely.......
i agree, NOT special rights, EQUAL RIGHTS
Gay couples seek marriage licenses in 'equality campaign'
By Cara Rubinsky, Associated Press Writer February 14, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. --For the third consecutive Valentine's Day, George Chien and Julio Flores were denied a marriage license Tuesday.
"Separate is not equal. Our relationship is not second class," Chien said at a news conference outside Hartford City Hall Tuesday morning. "We're asking not for special rights. We're asking for equal rights."
Gay couples across the United States asked for marriage licenses at their city and town halls Tuesday as part of an annual marriage equality campaign sponsored by the Metropolitan Community Church, the nation's largest predominantly gay Christian church.
Cindi Love, executive director of the national church, said she expected more than 1,000 couples from 237 churches in 47 states to participate.
In Connecticut, this is the first Valentine's Day that gay couples are eligible for civil unions, which give them the same legal rights as heterosexual married couples. But many say that's not good enough.
"Civil unions still demean gay couples by saying our love is not equal or on par with the love of straight couples, and we find that demeans our relationships and ourselves as human beings," said Frank O'Gorman, director of the Hartford-based group People of Faith............
By Cara Rubinsky, Associated Press Writer February 14, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. --For the third consecutive Valentine's Day, George Chien and Julio Flores were denied a marriage license Tuesday.
"Separate is not equal. Our relationship is not second class," Chien said at a news conference outside Hartford City Hall Tuesday morning. "We're asking not for special rights. We're asking for equal rights."
Gay couples across the United States asked for marriage licenses at their city and town halls Tuesday as part of an annual marriage equality campaign sponsored by the Metropolitan Community Church, the nation's largest predominantly gay Christian church.
Cindi Love, executive director of the national church, said she expected more than 1,000 couples from 237 churches in 47 states to participate.
In Connecticut, this is the first Valentine's Day that gay couples are eligible for civil unions, which give them the same legal rights as heterosexual married couples. But many say that's not good enough.
"Civil unions still demean gay couples by saying our love is not equal or on par with the love of straight couples, and we find that demeans our relationships and ourselves as human beings," said Frank O'Gorman, director of the Hartford-based group People of Faith............
Expo Aims To Encourage Girls To Study Science
i agree, we SHOULD encourage our grrrls to study math and science AND WHATEVER THEY WANT TO STUDY. when i was in junior high we HAD (as grrrls that is) to take home ec; sewing (which i HATED) and cooking (which i already knew how to do thanks to my noni) nothing wrong with that, BUT we should have had a choice. by the time i got to high school i had enough. i demanded to take wood shop. they let me but it wasn't easy getting in. i still have the little one legged (i did the leg on a lathe) table i made. of course my teacher begged me to stop wrecking so much wood. i'll bet he was relieved when i graduated.......that is until my sister got him for PLASTICS STOP
By ROBERT A. FRAHM Courant Staff Writer February 15 2006 WEST HARTFORD -- From a second-floor classroom at St. Joseph College, middle school girls tossed eggs from a window Tuesday - strictly in the interest of science.Using paper, balloons, duct tape and other household materials, teams of girls built a variety of flight capsules for the eggs, hoping for a safe landing."It's kind of like a spacecraft," said 12-year-old Chelsea Wright, who fashioned a parachute-like craft using plastic foam plates "so it floats down lighter."Wright, a sixth-grader at Manchester's Bennet Middle School, was among about 150 participants at the Girls and Tech Expo, an event designed to encourage more girls to think about careers in math and science."It's a field dominated by men," St. Joseph President Evelyn C. Lynch said as she welcomed girls from a dozen middle and elementary schools to a series of workshops on topics ranging from solar power to Internet web page design.The expo on the St. Joseph campus in West Hartford attracted students from Hartford, East Hartford, Manchester, Bloomfield, Farmington and Simsbury. It is part of a series of similar events across the state sponsored by the Connecticut Girls & Technology Network and the Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund...........
By ROBERT A. FRAHM Courant Staff Writer February 15 2006 WEST HARTFORD -- From a second-floor classroom at St. Joseph College, middle school girls tossed eggs from a window Tuesday - strictly in the interest of science.Using paper, balloons, duct tape and other household materials, teams of girls built a variety of flight capsules for the eggs, hoping for a safe landing."It's kind of like a spacecraft," said 12-year-old Chelsea Wright, who fashioned a parachute-like craft using plastic foam plates "so it floats down lighter."Wright, a sixth-grader at Manchester's Bennet Middle School, was among about 150 participants at the Girls and Tech Expo, an event designed to encourage more girls to think about careers in math and science."It's a field dominated by men," St. Joseph President Evelyn C. Lynch said as she welcomed girls from a dozen middle and elementary schools to a series of workshops on topics ranging from solar power to Internet web page design.The expo on the St. Joseph campus in West Hartford attracted students from Hartford, East Hartford, Manchester, Bloomfield, Farmington and Simsbury. It is part of a series of similar events across the state sponsored by the Connecticut Girls & Technology Network and the Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund...........
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
ctblogger (at connecticutBLOG) sets the record straight
and has the pictures (and soon the video) to prove it! read the full story at his blog (link above)
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Ridgefield Press failed to tell the true story of the peace rally
Oh, this is rich and a perfect example of a misleading article.The Ridgefield Press came out today with a misleading story on the anti-war rally yesterday and lets just say they made the counter-protestors seem downright polite (which couldn't be further away from the truth).Now for those not familiar with the area, Ridgefield is a rather conservative town (to say the least) so I wan't very surprised that the people at the Ridgefield Press wrote this article with a pro-war slant. Since I had the feeling that this event was going to be reported in this fashion, I made it a point to show up to the rally with my videotape and camera so I could give you a first hand account of what really happened............
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Ridgefield Press failed to tell the true story of the peace rally
Oh, this is rich and a perfect example of a misleading article.The Ridgefield Press came out today with a misleading story on the anti-war rally yesterday and lets just say they made the counter-protestors seem downright polite (which couldn't be further away from the truth).Now for those not familiar with the area, Ridgefield is a rather conservative town (to say the least) so I wan't very surprised that the people at the Ridgefield Press wrote this article with a pro-war slant. Since I had the feeling that this event was going to be reported in this fashion, I made it a point to show up to the rally with my videotape and camera so I could give you a first hand account of what really happened............
Sunday, February 12, 2006
according to the news at noon, there are 22 1/2 inches of snow in west hartford

i tried to go out on my back porch but the snow was way past the door level. i pushed it open as much as i could and took a couple of shots. i could get the front porch door open, but there was far too much snow on the steps for me to do anything other than peek out the door. the wind and snow were blowing about so much, i just snapped a QUICK couple of pictures (the two shots of just trees are out my back door, the other shots are out my front door)
joe MUST go
from sheila sample's blog via oped news
UPDATE ON A CONNECTICUT DONKEY by Sheila. Submitted on 2006-02-12 00:14:41
Robert Novak is reporting today that Republicans are raising funds for Democratic (sic) Senator Joe Lieberman's re-election in Connecticut.Craig Fuller and H.P. Goldfield, both active Republican lobbyists hosted a fund-raising dinner at Goldfield's home on Thursday. Fuller was a cabinet member in both Reagan and Bush 41 presidencies. Goldfield, a Reagan aide and assistant Commerce secretary, also raised funds for the elder Bush in both his campaigns.Although Lieberman has come out strong for lobbyist reform, Novak says three of the dinner's five hosts were major lobbyists. 'Fuller represents the National Association of Chain Drug Stores. Goldfield lobbies for Airbus and for energy companies (ConcocoPhillips, Dynegy International and Gulfsands Petroleum). Co-host C. Michael Gilliland, a partner in the Hogan & Hartson law firm, represents a variety of clients.' Novak said.On Friday, Lieberman pulled one of vice president Dick Cheney's favorite tricks -- he called in to the rabidly right-wing Sean Hannity radio show to make points with the 'Great Americans' and to answer Hannity's question --'Does Joe Lieberman want me to endorse him?'............
...............The question is not why Lieberman accepted campaign money from his political enemies -- not why he accepted a Hannity endorsement. The question is what is this Democrat, a former vice-presidential nominee, doing at a Republican fund-raiser -- making calls to a Republican operative -- in the first damn place.It's time for Joe to go. .............
UPDATE ON A CONNECTICUT DONKEY by Sheila. Submitted on 2006-02-12 00:14:41
Robert Novak is reporting today that Republicans are raising funds for Democratic (sic) Senator Joe Lieberman's re-election in Connecticut.Craig Fuller and H.P. Goldfield, both active Republican lobbyists hosted a fund-raising dinner at Goldfield's home on Thursday. Fuller was a cabinet member in both Reagan and Bush 41 presidencies. Goldfield, a Reagan aide and assistant Commerce secretary, also raised funds for the elder Bush in both his campaigns.Although Lieberman has come out strong for lobbyist reform, Novak says three of the dinner's five hosts were major lobbyists. 'Fuller represents the National Association of Chain Drug Stores. Goldfield lobbies for Airbus and for energy companies (ConcocoPhillips, Dynegy International and Gulfsands Petroleum). Co-host C. Michael Gilliland, a partner in the Hogan & Hartson law firm, represents a variety of clients.' Novak said.On Friday, Lieberman pulled one of vice president Dick Cheney's favorite tricks -- he called in to the rabidly right-wing Sean Hannity radio show to make points with the 'Great Americans' and to answer Hannity's question --'Does Joe Lieberman want me to endorse him?'............
...............The question is not why Lieberman accepted campaign money from his political enemies -- not why he accepted a Hannity endorsement. The question is what is this Democrat, a former vice-presidential nominee, doing at a Republican fund-raiser -- making calls to a Republican operative -- in the first damn place.It's time for Joe to go. .............
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