Friday, August 21, 2009
what is new park turning into a shooting gallery
Police Investigate Shooting In Parking Lot Of West Hartford BJ's
By DAVID OWENS The Hartford Courant
WEST HARTFORD - Police continue their investigation this morning into a shooting about 8 p.m. Thursday in the parking lot at BJ's Wholesale Club at 507 New Park Avenue.
A man in his 20s was shot from behind as he and his girlfriend walked into the store. The girlfriend was carrying a small child, police said. The victim suffered a non-life-threatening wound to the pelvic area. Police recovered a bullet from the store's nursery area and believe it may have been fired from a rifle, police said...........
more connecticut domestic violence
(have to say 'allegedly' here) ALLEGEDLY - a man puts a mask on, beats up the woman he was going to marry IN FOUR DAYS, marries her, then he gets found out. well she suspected it all along she said. hmmmmmmmmmmm
anyway, seems like she gave him the boot AS SHE SHOULD HAVE. oh and he's an alderman for the town of ansonia.
hope the OTHER WOMAN (allegedly) LEAVES HIS ASS TOO
Masked Alderman Attacked Fiancee: Report
On July 1, a 32-year-old Ansonia woman came home to a nightmare, and police now say her husband -- an alderman who was up for re-election in November -- was behind her attack.
Keith Maynard, 42, resigned from his position on the Ansonia Board of Alderman on the eve of his arrest, according to the Valley Independent Sentinel.
The man inside knocked the woman to the ground, covered her with a blanket and hit her with a baseball bat, police said. She told police she did not recognize him. He was wearing a mask, the New Haven Register reports.
Police investigated. They were told a man was seen running from the house soon after assaulting the victim but police could not find him. The woman was taken to Griffin Hospital to be treated for minor injuries...............
Thursday, August 20, 2009
say WHAT???????????????
A Blight On Housing Director's Record
Helen Ubiñas
City officials have offered lots of reasons why they can't seem to get a longtime housing official I've written about to fix up her neglected property and pay hundreds of dollars in outstanding fines and penalties.
Weak blight laws. Weaker enforcement. Just plain arrogance.
Well, here's another: It's sort of hard to come down on delinquent property owners when Hartford's housing director owns a blighted house.That's right — turns out Yasha Escalera, one-time deputy commissioner of the state's former housing department and now Hartford's $103,000-a-year director of housing and property management, owns his very own eyesore at 39 Allen Place.
Not two years after the city pretty much gave the property to Dresca Construction, of which Escalera is part owner, the city was back putting a lien against it and billing him more than $3,600 for emergency rubbish and debris cleanup.
Over the years, a number of departments have cited the property, and in 2007, the Department of Development Services, the very department for which Escalera now works, sent him a notice of violation for the property, calling it a "menace to the public health" that is "seriously depreciating property values in the neighborhood."............
why am i not surprised he's linked to the fbi?
i can see the fbi wanting to infiltrate organizations of domestic terrorists and those they SUSPECT of domestic terrorism (NOT however, the quakers or catholic workers or organizations who c'mon now are NOT terrorists), but to PAY SOMEONE LIKE TURNER, A REAL RACIST is beyond the pale (so to speak)
at any rate, however you look at it, hal turner IS SCREWED
FBI trained white supremacist to incite others: lawyer
Nearly a month after revealing that white supremacist radio host Hal Turner was an FBI informant, his lawyer claimed that the "New Jersey blogger facing charges in two states for allegedly making threats against lawmakers and judges was trained by the FBI on how to be deliberately provocative," the Associated Press reports.
Turner was arrested on June 24 for allegedly calling for the murder of three judges who supported the Chicago gun ban. The confession by his attorney came at a bond hearing last month.
"Attorney Michael Orozco [...] said his client gave authorities information about a plot to assassinate President Barack Obama," reported the Associated Press in July.
His recent arrest came after a complaint about an overt call for the murder of three judges............
Defense attorney: FBI had trained NJ blogger how to incite others when he was an informant
Lawyer Invokes First Amendment
Calls Blogger's Remarks Protected Free Speech
HARTFORD — - A lawyer for Harold "Hal" Turner, the blogger and Internet radio host accused of encouraging people to "take up arms" against two Connecticut legislators and a state ethics official, said Tuesday that the comments are protected by the First Amendment.
Turner knew just where the line was between protected political speech and criminal conduct because the FBI taught him when the agency used him as an informant, his attorney, Michael A. Orozco of Newark, N.J., said outside a Hartford courtroom.
"Mr. Turner was trained by the FBI," Orozco said. "He was told where the line was — what he could say." Turner, of New Jersey, worked as an "agent provocateur" for the FBI from roughly 2002 to 2007, Orozco said...........
my sunflower

is HUGE still no bloom yet. it's there, but it will be a week or two before it actually opens. only ONE sunflower made it this year but it's the biggest one i've EVER seen. i planted seeds from the sunflowers i grew last year (also record breakers). i grow them at the half door
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
just got this email right now
Tales of witchcraft and tombstones
Wethersfield’s Webb-Deane-Stevens Museum to give special tours
focusing on witchcraft and the Ancient Burying Ground during October
To give visitors a taste of Connecticut’s witchcraft history, The Webb-Deane-Stevens Museum will be giving Tales of Witchcraft and Tombstones tours on October 10, 17, 24, and 31 at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
The tours will begin in the Buttolph-Williams House, which was home to the characters that were portrayed in the book The Witch of Blackbird Pond, which Elizabeth George Spear, a Newbery-award winning author, wrote while living in Wethersfield.
Differences and similarities with the Salem Witch accusations will be discussed during the tours. Guides will also explore the lives of the women and men who were convicted of witchcraft and what life was like for them and their neighbors.
Following the tour at Buttolph-Williams, visitors will enter the Ancient Burying Ground where the headstones will tell many tales. Different types of headstones and beliefs of the times will be examined. Participants will also learn about some of the more interesting residents of the Ancient Burying Ground.
Each tour is limited to 16 people. Tours cost $8 for adults, $7 for seniors over 60, AAA members and those active in the military, $4 for students and children ages 5 to 18, and $20 per family (two adults and children). For more information or to reserve a space, contact Tari-Lynn Joyce at (860) 529-0612 ext. 12 or at Walk-up registration is also permitted if space allows. Groups will meet in the gift shop at the Webb House at 211 Main Street, Wethersfield, CT 06109.
About the Webb-Deane-Stevens Museum
Located in the heart of Connecticut’s largest historic district, the museum, which consists of three authentically restored 18th-century homes, brings Wethersfield’s rich history to life, from the American Revolution to the early 20th century. The museum includes the 1752 Joseph Webb House, which served as George Washington’s Revolutionary War headquarters in May 1781, the circa 1770 Silas Deane House, built for America’s first Revolutionary War diplomat to France; and the 1789 Isaac Stevens House, which depicts life in the 18th and 19th centuries through original family objects and includes a new children’s toy display.
The Webb-Deane-Stevens Museum, located at 211 Main St., Wethersfield, is open daily – with the exception of Tuesday – from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., May through October, and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., November and April. Please call or check our website for special December hours. Three-house tours cost $8 for adults and $4 for students and children ages 5 to 18. For information about current exhibits, upcoming events or Museum School classes, call (860) 529-0612 or visit
and if you're interested here's more info on
alse young
more alse young
and i did a lil' posting on alse in january of 2006
FavoriteMedia LLC is having an OPEN CASTING CALL
FILM CASTING EVENT August 23rd, 1 pm - 7 pm @ the SHADOW ROOM CAFE/LOUNGE - 170 Main St. Middletown, CT.
Top CT-based filmmakers uniting to seek out local talent for upcoming feature film projects featuring...
Casting for Director Alessandro Signore's Sensory Perception, a sci-fi drama (with existential/human condition story).
The film will be shot in P2 HD with 35mm adaptors and an impressive array of premium lenses, in the Waterbury/Cheshire/Middletown area, in October 2009...AND ...
Several other projects casting, including the Untitled Kurtis Spieler film, as well as a new feature film from Synthetic Cinema International.
Accomplished industry professionals in attendance will include:
David Gere - Producer/Actor (Gossip Girl, Rocky Balboa, Pistol Whipped, Circulation)
Andrew Gernhard - Producer Synthetic Cinema International (Opponent, Sasquatch Assault, Banshee!!!)
Alessandro Signore - Writer/Director (Sensory Perception)
Ryan Casey - Producer/Director/Writer (Crushing Pennies, The Icon of 2nd St.)
Kurtis Spieler - Writer/Director (No Remorse For Bloodshed, Circulation)
FavoriteMedia creates a variety of media from high-end commercial ads to corporate video with emphasis on web marketing solutions.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
here's a petition you can sign from moms rising
Marriott Withdraws Claim In Rape Case
prior posting #1
prior posting #2
and here's a WHOLE lot of info on who OWNS the marriotts and all sorts of OTHER info (lots and lots of it)
Monday, August 17, 2009
the courant does a story on domestic violence
we cannot remain silent. we must speak out. we must protect our sisters (yes, and in some cases our brothers) and our children (and animals). an abuser won't stop with his (or her) partner. they'll go on to the kids or animals if they haven't already. speak out. don't be afraid. if you see something or hear something that isn't right, CALL THE POLICE. don't ignore it. DON'T
'in 2007, slightly more than 20,000 incidents in Connecticut were classified by police as family violence cases — crimes involving a spouse, a former spouse, a relative, a boyfriend or girlfriend, a live-in companion or the mother or father of the victim's child. Included in that number are these:
•22 family violence homicides.
•6,543 assaults.
•107 sexual assaults.
•17 kidnappings.
•149 instances of risk of injury to children.
•6,691 cases of disorderly conduct.
•4,212 breach of peace cases.
•2,013 violations of court orders.
•288 instances of criminal mischief.
Those numbers include scores of women who have been victimized more than once.'
High-Profile Cases Put Spotlight On Domestic Abuse
Ken Edwards shakes his head in disbelief when he thinks about his first domestic violence training session as a rookie cop in New London in 1981.
The instructor encouraged the young officers to keep family violence a private matter and told them an arrest "is absolutely your last option," Edwards recalled. "Otherwise, see if you can get the guy to take a walk ... down to the corner bar."
That approach is all but extinct today.
The "Tracey Thurman Law" in 1986 made arrests mandatory if there's evidence of an offense. Law enforcement training now delves into the complexity of family violence, and the attitudes of the police, the public, prosecutors and judges have broadened.
Domestic violence, victim advocates say, is finally being seen for what it is: a crime.........