Friday, November 03, 2006
who knew there were so many larouche supporters
Last Call's Early For Joe As Hecklers Crash Party
By ELIZABETH HAMILTON Courant Staff WriterNovember 3 2006
Maybe he should have gone to the debate after all.Instead of joining his two main opponents for the U.S. Senate - Democrat Ned Lamont and Republican Alan Schlesinger - at Quinnipiac University, Joe Lieberman opted for a relaxing night of campaigning, beer in hand, at Mayor Mike's in downtown Hartford. It was a short stop. It was also not very relaxing.Lieberman lasted maybe 15 minutes before he was heckled from the restaurant by young Lyndon LaRouche supporters, who kept popping up along the bar like gophers coming out of their holes.Singing loudly - but in perfect harmony - and throwing handfuls of fake dollar bills into the air over Lieberman's head, the LaRouche crew seemed to stun the older crowd of Lieberman supporters who gathered to hobnob with the sitting senator.Lieberman entered the bar about 7 p.m., just as the debate between Lamont and Schlesinger started playing on one of the large television screens. As he walked in, with a close-up of Lamont's head looming over the room, a LaRouche supporter, disguised in a wig and make-up as conservative columnist William F. Buckley, began yelling and throwing green "Buckley Bucks." Soon, the singing began."If you want a third world war, vote for Joe, Bill Buckley's whore," the LaRouche supporters sang. Then came a bit about impeaching Vice President Dick Cheney and about Lieberman, or Cheney - it was hard to decipher which - being something unprintable. The LaRouche youth, as they called themselves, came to Connecticut from around the country specifically to heckle Lieberman because, they said, Buckley supported Lieberman when he unseated Republican U.S. Sen. Lowell Weicker in 1988. LaRouche, an American political activist since the late 1940s, is perhaps best known for being a perennial presidential candidate............
Thursday, November 02, 2006
where's da liebs?
even though the painting is going to hang in south carolina

the proceeds from it's sale, will benefit a westport based charity (which helps children WORLD wide)
save the children
Restaurant chain pays more than $50,000 for Colbert portrait
By Erin Carlson, Associated Press Writer
NEW YORK --Stephen Colbert is about to be hung. A portrait of the TV satirist, that is.
Chad Walldorf's chain of barbecue restaurants paid $50,605 for the portrait, which "The Colbert Report" sold on e-Bay, with the money going to charity.
The painting hung above the fireplace on the set of the Comedy Central show and depicts a debonair Colbert standing in front of a similar portrait of himself. Colbert announced the winner on Tuesday's show.
Walldorf and his business partners, who oversee 17 Sticky Fingers restaurants throughout the South, intend to mount the portrait in their restaurant in Charleston, S.C., which is Colbert's hometown........
....................Proceeds from the painting will benefit Westport, Conn.-based Save the Children. "We saw it as a way to invest in a great cause while ... doing something that we thought would be fun for our employees and customers," Walldorf said..........
please stop by
Stay The Course Or Change The Course?Which Is It, Joe?
Like George Bush, Joe Lieberman decided just weeks before Election Day that it may be time to change course in Iraq. For years, despite all that’s gone wrong and the situation growing worse by the day, Joe Lieberman has asked us to “stay the course.” That is, until he faced the prospect of losing his seat in Congress.
Like George Bush, Lieberman hasn’t let reality get in the way of his political goals. Not the reality of our monumental failure in Iraq; not the reality of thousands of American flag-draped coffins; not the reality of 600,000 dead Iraqi civilians; not the reality of $6 billion a month thrown into a bloody hole.Like George Bush, it took the reality of his political mortality to get his attention...........
our men and women are dying in iraq
da liebs supports this hideous war. no apologies. he should NOT be re-elected based on THAT alone
please support ned lamont
Lamont Narrows Lieberman Lead In Poll
Bush Praises Lieberman
POSTED: 10:30 am EST November 1, 2006
UPDATED: 10:36 am EST November 1, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. -- Democrat Ned Lamont has narrowed the gap with Sen. Joe Lieberman, but the three-term incumbent holds a 12-point lead as their race heads into the final stretch, a poll released Wednesday shows.
Lieberman had a 49-37 percent advantage over Lamont, according to a Quinnipiac University survey of likely voters. Republican Alan Schlesinger trails with 8 percent, and 5 percent are undecided.
An Oct. 20 poll by Quinnipiac had given Lieberman a 17-point advantage, 52-35 percent. Schlesinger was at 6 percent in that survey
Lieberman's lead by 5 points," said Quinnipiac University Poll director Douglas Schwartz. "The bad news for Lamont is that he still trails by 12 points ... If Lamont has an October surprise, he'd better check the calendar."
Lieberman, the Democratic nominee for vice president in 2000, is running as an independent after losing the Democratic primary in August to anti-war challenger Lamont. Schwartz said Lamont needs Schlesinger to cut more deeply into Lieberman's GOP support in order to erase the senator's lead.........
......Earlier this week, President George W. Bush praised Lieberman for his support of the Iraq war. In an interview on Fox News Channel's "Hannity and Colmes" show, Bush noted that many Democrats supported the war in 2003.
"One man who's stood by his decision is Joe Lieberman," said Bush, who declined to make an endorsement in the race. "He understands the consequences." Bush argued that the Democratic Party "ran him out of the party because he stood on principle.".........
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
one of my favorite west hartford subjects
any way, you voted for it, now you got it (well are getting it)
Blue Back: Make It Affordable
Rick Green
October 31 2006 You can't just suddenly tell the developers of Blue Back Square to make changes and add affordable housing to the luxurious urban neighborhood now under construction in West Hartford Center.Then again, why not?The town screwed up big time when it failed to require affordable housing in the massive downtown redevelopment, a more than $160 million project that will make Blue Back a shining example in a state just waking up to the dangers of poorly planned overdevelopment.Now the Blue Back developers are coming back to the town for some revisions in the half-completed project. It's time to fix a mistake and remind everyone that the days of West Farms-style sprawl are over.Sure there's a lot of private money behind Blue Back, but the town of West Hartford is also a big partner in this groundbreaking "smart growth" project, selling a choice public parcel and assisting in the financing of some of the compact mixed-use development. "There's a unique opportunity for a town to ask the developers to reconsider a plan for one that considers addressing housing affordability" said Diane Randall, director of Partnership for Strong Communities in Hartford. "There is a public interest in this - assuring that people who work in the town can afford to live there.""We've got to help people get over the idea that affordable means housing for people who have no jobs," Randall told me..........
my thoughts and prayers are with the 192nd Engineer Battalion of Stratford
30 Conn. soldiers head to Iraq
Associated Press October 31, 2006 HARTFORD, Conn. -- A battalion of soldiers from Connecticut left a base in Wisconsin on Tuesday for southwest Asia.Thirty soldiers from the 192nd Engineer Battalion of Stratford departed Fort McCoy, Wis., and will head to Iraq after first arriving in Kuwait, the Connecticut National Guard announced. The battalion left Connecticut for Wisconsin in August.The troops are scheduled to be on active duty for up to 18 months.More than 970 soldiers and airmen of the Connecticut National Guard are deployed in support of the U.S. war against terrorism.
(war on 'terrorism' my big fat ass. there WAS NO terrorism BEFORE we got there.)
there are many reasons i am NOT voting for da liebs. the MAIN reason i am voting for ned is; I DO NOT WANT US TO BE FIGHTING IN IRAQ. i do not want our men and women dying for NO reason. we MUST bring our troops home now
da liebs is NOT a democrat. not that that matters to me (much). i would vote for someone who is honorable and just no matter their political affiliations.
Bush praises Lieberman in TV interview, draws Lamont's ire
By Andrew Miga, Associated Press Writer October 31, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. --President Bush and the Iraq war are again front and center in Connecticut's tumultuous Senate race.
In a TV interview, Bush praised Sen. Joe Lieberman for standing firm in his support of the Iraq war, drawing a stiff rebuke Tuesday from Lieberman's anti-war challenger, Ned Lamont. The war has been a key issue in the Senate race.
Bush noted that Lieberman has not wavered in his support of the war, unlike Democrats who voted to support it but have since turned against it.
"One man who's stood by his decision is Joe Lieberman," said Bush in an interview on Fox News Channel's "Hannity and Colmes" show. "He understands the consequences. The Democrat Party ran him out of the party because he stood on principle."
Kind words from Bush could help Lieberman. The lifelong Democrat is running as an independent after after losing the August Democratic primary to Lamont, a Greenwich businessman who has poured more than $14 million of his own money into the race.
Polls show Lieberman with a double-digit lead among likely voters in next week's election, with Republican and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly supporting the three-term senator.
Lieberman downplayed Bush's comments Tuesday. "I have said from the first days after the primary ... that I was not going to allow this campaign to become a national political plaything for either side or anybody," he said...........