LADY ROSE, TROLLING THE MEAN STREETS, ALLEYS, ROADS, AVENUES, PATHS, BOULEVARDS, LANES, DRIVES AND THOROUGHFARES OF GREATER HARTFORDSHIRE views and news from a connecticut grrrl (who voted AGAINST blue back TWICE). grating on nutmeg and everyone's nerves
Bridgeport (AP) -- Bridgeport police say they arrested a city man after he ordered his pet to attack two officers. Lucky for them that 9-foot-long pythons aren't very obedient.
Police Lt. James Viadero says 21-year-old Victor Rodriguez was charged with threatening police and disorderly conduct after Monday's incident. No one was hurt.
Officers were called to Rodriguez's apartment on a report that he was threatening his girlfriend with the pet reptile.
Viadero says that when the building superintendent opened the apartment door for the officers, Rodriguez allegedly threatened them with the snake and told it to "Get them!"
Rodriguez and his pet were both taken away:......