Thursday, August 17, 2006
i saw let da liebs keep jawin'
Senate Democrats grow angry at Joe Lieberman for campaign tactics
Some Senate Democrats are becoming angry with Senator Joe Lieberman's statements on the campaign trail, today's issue of The Hill is reporting.
Democrats are upset with statements Lieberman made about the Iraq war, implying that the stand of many Democrats to bring the troops home from Iraq by a certain date puts national security at risk. Some senior aides have intimated that Lieberman may lose seniority within the caucus over the imbroglio.
A majority of Senate Democrats, 26 to date, have said they will support Ned Lamont in the November election. Lamont beat Lieberman in the Democratic primary last week.
Excerpts from The Hill article follow............
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
the worm crawls
Cromwell's Can Of Worms Ends Happily For Teenager
By JODIE MOZDZER Courant Staff Writer August 16 2006 CROMWELL -- The worm turned for 13-year-old Joey Cadieux Tuesday night at a special meeting of the planning and zoning commission.In a unanimous vote, the commission rescinded what some members said was an "unauthorized" July letter sent to Joey that told him to close down his night crawlers business - an action that triggered international outrage against the order and support for the young entrepreneur.The backlash also prompted finger pointing among town officials who blamed each other for the black eye given the town's reputation."I'm excited," Joey said after the meeting. He headed home to put up the 18-by-18-inch sign, "NITE CRAWLERS," that drew town officials' attention to his worm business on Washington Road in the first place.At the commission's June 20 meeting, a general discussion of home businesses and signs led to a discussion of the worm sign and how such signs violated zoning regulations. In the end, commission members asked that the zoning enforcement officer, Fred Curtin, look into it. He did and then issued the order without following up with the commission, according to commission Chairman Peter Hanson.Since the public uproar over the order, other signs have been popping up on Washington Road in support of Joey and his worms, reading, "Hug a worm," "Worms for Rent" and "Live Worm or Die."...............
my friend dottie and i were chatting a bit yesterday
Collins endorses Lieberman in his re-election bid
PORTLAND, Maine --U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman's bid for re-election as an independent received a solid endorsement from the chairwoman of the Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday.
Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said she fully supports Lieberman, ranking Democrat on the committee, who's running as an independent after losing the Democratic primary to political newcomer Ned Lamont.
"I very much hope that Sen. Lieberman will be re-elected in the fall. His is an important voice of moderation and experience in the Senate," she said..........
(important voice of MODERATION? what a load of shite. anyone who endorses this unjust war in iraq is NOT moderate. they are in my opinion responsible for the deaths of 2,500 plus of our men and women)
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
springfield, not so very far away you know

A visitor enjoys himself at the Dr. Seuss National Memorial Sculpture Garden. (MARC-YVES REGIS I)
who knew all of these things were in springfield? i knew about the dr seuss memorial but not about the other things. of course i also knew about the basketball hall of fame (go larry bird)
Culture Cluster Springfield's Quadrangle Of Museums Is A Rich Mix
By ANNE FARROW Courant Staff Writer August 15 2006
I saw a Picasso, visited with the Grinch, drank a delicious cappuccino in an Italian cafe, and took a trip back to the world of Currier & Ives, all in one place. For my "daycation," I drove 26 miles on I-91 North to Springfield, then spent the day exploring the city's rich complex of museums, four of which border the long green quadrangle that is home to the Dr. Seuss National Memorial Sculpture Garden.The cover of the visitors' center map says, "Come in and See the World," and it is an apt phrase for the culture cluster known as the Springfield Museums, which includes the George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, the Springfield Science Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts and the Connecticut Valley Historical Museum.I go to museums the way some women shop, so the idea of "all museums, all day" was perfect for me. I began with the science museum's Hall of Dinosaurs, which is dominated by a 20-foot-tall model of tyrannosaurus rex. It may be the effect of those "Jurassic Park" movies, but dinosaurs seem more familiar than scary. This is a museum with a strong emphasis on the education of children, so even the video that plays in the hall is rather comforting. I learned that "many of the herbivores didn't chew their food," and that the dinosaurs "have left us great dental records."I love dioramas, and this museum has a lot of them - from moose of New England, to bison of the Great Plains, all of whom looked small after seeing that tyrannosaur. The highlight of the museum for me was the planetarium show, because I hadn't seen a planetarium show since my dad took me to the Museum of Science in Boston in the 1950s.............
this speaks volumes
White House vague about Bush support for GOP Senate candidate
By Andrew Miga, Associated Press Writer August 14, 2006
WASHINGTON --President Bush isn't exactly eager to lend his support to the Republican nominee in Connecticut's tumultuous Senate race.
The White House was circumspect on Monday when asked whether Bush would support Republican Alan Schlesinger in the three-way fall contest that includes Democratic nominee Ned Lamont and three-term incumbent Sen. Joe Lieberman.
"The president supports the democratic process in the state of Connecticut and wishes them a successful election in November," White House spokesman Tony Snow said.
Bush routinely backs Republican candidates in races all across the country.
Lieberman has won praise from the Bush team for his unwavering support of the Iraq war and is seen by some Democrats as too close to the president. He began an independent bid to keep his seat after losing the Democratic primary last week to anti-war challenger and political newcomer Lamont.
Snow was asked whether Bush was balking at supporting Schlesinger because he liked Lieberman -- or wanted to stay out of the contest because Schlesinger was trailing badly in the polls.
"There may be a whole host of reasons the president -- I'm just not going to play," Snow replied.
He suggested the Connecticut race was unique.......................
Monday, August 14, 2006
an update on the story (two stories) below
the person at work whom i had a discussion with last thursday, said HELLO to me this morning very loudly. i didn't answer him. i was still quite upset (and to tell you the truth a bit hurt). he came over to my desk and asked me what was up. i told him, i was very upset and it was hard for me to deal with some of the things he said to me. i said i wasn't so much upset about what he said about things in general, i was upset he didn't want to deal with me anymore because of MY beliefs (which i normally keep to myself at work. remember HE brought it up. although he did overhear me talking with someone else about my political beliefs). a few other things were said and then he apologized to me and i of course apologized to him (although i didn't do anything that i felt needed an apology. i just wanted to say it to clear the air). i then said i am going to consider the prior discussion forgotten (and i will). end of (this) story
ned lamont
AP Interview: Lamont says he's surprised by harshness of attacks from Lieberman, Cheney
By Andrew Miga, Associated Press Writer August 13, 2006
WASHINGTON --Democratic Senate nominee Ned Lamont, the anti-war candidate who toppled Sen. Joe Lieberman in the Connecticut primary, says he was surprised by Lieberman and Vice President Dick Cheney's claims that his victory could embolden terrorists.
"My God, here we have a terrorist threat against hearth and home and the very first thing that comes out of their mind is how can we turn this to partisan advantage. I find that offensive," Lamont said in an interview Sunday with The Associated Press.
After British officials disclosed they had thwarted a terrorist airline bombing plot on Thursday, Lieberman warned that Lamont's call for a phased-withdrawal of troops from Iraq would be "taken as a tremendous victory" by terrorists.
Cheney on Wednesday had suggested that Lamont's victory might encourage "the al-Qaida types" who want to "break the will of the American people in terms of our ability to stay in the fight and complete the task."
Lamont said Lieberman's swipe at his candidacy "sounded an awful lot" like Cheney.
"It surprised me," he said. "It seemed almost orchestrated. It's sort of demeaning to the people of Connecticut ... I thought the senator and the vice president were both wrong to use that attack (strategy) on the voters of Connecticut."
The Lieberman camp Sunday brushed aside Lamont's comments.
"All Lieberman did was point out an important difference between his approach to national security and Ned Lamont's, which is what campaigns are all about," said Lieberman spokesman Dan Gerstein..........