NOT (well NOT in this case). i sure do hope they catch the gunmen. they DID catch the five teen who assaulted another victim in manchester. (hey everyone, the ps3 is a GAME. it's a GAME, NOT some type of life-saving device)
PlayStation Frenzy Gets Violent Man Shot Waiting For Sought-After PS3
By TRACY GORDON FOX Courant Staff Writer November 18 2006
PUTNAM -- The line of teens and twentysomethings waiting outside Wal-Mart for the coveted new PlayStation 3 early Friday morning began to perk up as torrential rain turned to drizzle and only a few hours remained until the store opened.They were laughing and talking when suddenly two gunmen appeared, dressed in black and wearing ski masks. One showed what appeared to be a silver handgun, and the other, a few inches taller and heavier, cradled a sawed-off shotgun, witnesses said."Empty your pockets!" one of them shouted.Most of the people in line complied, giving up small amounts of cash, saying they only had credit cards. But Michael Penkala, 21, of nearby Webster, Mass., was not about to part with the hundreds of dollars he and his grandmother had pooled. Penkala planned to sell a few of the PlayStations on eBay to make some extra money for the holidays, some of which he planned to share with his grandmother...........
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
this was forwarded to me by pam levin cameron
matthew costa's mother. she asked that i post it here are a couple of her words:
" If you could post this article and highlight the part about donations, I’d really appreciate it. Matt loved Africa and wanted to equalize the injustice in the world. The soccer field, equipment, etc. that we are planning will honor his memory by doing that in a small way.
Pam Cameron"
matthew lived in connecticut. i think it would be kind of cool to donate to this cause. perhaps you can do so as a christmas, hanaukkah or winter solstice gift in a friend's name.
A Promising Life Of Giving Cut Down In Tragic Mishap
Matthew Costa, 24, of Cheshire, died Sept. 3.November 5, 2006 By ANNE M. HAMILTON, Special To The Courant
Matthew Costa combined a deep-seated idealism with practicality and, in his own unassuming way, set an example for others.He was a serious philosophy major who loved soccer, volleyball and the guitar, on which he played both classical and popular music.
He starred in a play in high school and was interested in politics. He was so intrigued by West Africa that he extended his Peace Corps commitment and was planning to be a lawyer so he could help others.Costa grew up in Cheshire, the son of Frank Costa and Pam Cameron, and had a younger sister, Danielle. Wiry and athletic, he started playing soccer when he was 5 and excelled at running and jumping. He had an independent spirit: Around age 6, Costa flew alone to Washington to visit his grandparents, and the pilot invited him to sit in the cockpit.In middle school, he participated in a student ambassador program that sent him to England, Scotland and Wales."He understood that the world was way bigger than Cheshire," his mother said. In high school, Costa was elected treasurer of his class.His mathematical skills earned him a scholarship to the University of Connecticut to study actuarial science, but he turned it down in favor of a broader liberal arts education."He thought of college as a way of becoming an educated person, not as a vocational-technical idea," his mother said. Costa chose Tulane University in New Orleans because it offered a contrast to his Connecticut upbringing. It was in the South, in a city far from home.His college major was philosophy, and when his grandfather urged him to be practical and think of his future, "he said he was more concerned with public service," said Bernard Levin, his grandfather. "He wanted to use law to help people who were underprivileged.""People just liked being around him," said Todd Gilbert, a college friend. "He was incredibly funny. He made you smile."Costa joined the Peace Corps after graduating from Tulane in 2003, offering to go anywhere. He had studied French in school, so the Peace Corps sent him to Chad, a poor, French speaking landlocked country in north central Africa where there has been sporadic fighting over the years. (The Peace Corps closed its program there this year.)On an informal Peace Corps scale of adversity, Chad ranked among the toughest assignments."Chad had the reputation: If you could do Chad in the Peace Corps, you could do anything," his mother said.In Mani, a village close to N'Djamena, Chad's capital, Costa taught English and helped start a soccer league. When he realized that the children had no concept of geography, he had them paint a large world map on a wall of the school so they could see where they lived and where he came from."He really wanted them to understand where they fit in the world," his mother said. The village was isolated, and sometimes his family didn't hear from him for two months at a time. But they quickly learned that he was happy."He loved Africa," his mother said.After his two years in Chad were up, he asked to extend his commitment and was assigned to Mali, another French-speaking country in Africa. "He wanted to make a change on a small level and be an ambassador for America," said Chris Kennerlly, a high school friend.Costa was assigned to Kita, a less-isolated village than his previous assignment. He had a refrigerator and a cellphone that worked. He could e-mail from a café in the village.Besides teaching English, Costa started a weekly radio show featuring American music that made him a minor celebrity.Malian women traditionally pound millet, a native grain, into flour, which is boiled into a porridge eaten with sauce. Costa gave them a grinder that made their job quicker and easier. He also taught Malian men how to repair water pumps.He played on the local soccer team and worked with "Shoes for Mali" after learning that two of his players shared one pair of sneakers.Last summer, Costa and three other volunteers decided to build a sailboat.For their first trip, they were sailing the Niger River. Photographs show their wide smiles.The wind propelled them more quickly than they had anticipated, so they lowered the sail. They were approaching rapids and rowing against the tide, trying to reach an inlet, when the mast hit a high-tension wire. Costa and Justin Brady, a volunteer from Oregon, were thrown from the boat. Costa and Brady died, but the other volunteers survived.Costa had been scheduled to return to the United States two weeks later to take his law-school admissions test."He was very intelligent, very insightful," said Nelson Cronyn, Costa's director in Chad. "He was able to teach and stay positive with teaching, despite the fact that the school was dysfunctional and cheating was rampant."Costa talked often about politics and his career plans. "He probably would have remained working in development," Cronyn said."I imagine he would have had a significant impact. ... I imagine he would have been very, very successful."Matthew Costa's family and the Peace Corps are building a soccer field and buying soccer equipment in his memory in the village of Kita in Mali. Donations by check can be made out to Rogin, Nassau, Caplan, Lassman & Hirtle and sent to the attention of Paul Zolan, 185 Asylum St.,, City Place I, 22nd Floor, Hartford, CT 06103-3460. Please put "in memory of Matthew Costa" on the checks.
" If you could post this article and highlight the part about donations, I’d really appreciate it. Matt loved Africa and wanted to equalize the injustice in the world. The soccer field, equipment, etc. that we are planning will honor his memory by doing that in a small way.
Pam Cameron"
matthew lived in connecticut. i think it would be kind of cool to donate to this cause. perhaps you can do so as a christmas, hanaukkah or winter solstice gift in a friend's name.
A Promising Life Of Giving Cut Down In Tragic Mishap
Matthew Costa, 24, of Cheshire, died Sept. 3.November 5, 2006 By ANNE M. HAMILTON, Special To The Courant
Matthew Costa combined a deep-seated idealism with practicality and, in his own unassuming way, set an example for others.He was a serious philosophy major who loved soccer, volleyball and the guitar, on which he played both classical and popular music.
He starred in a play in high school and was interested in politics. He was so intrigued by West Africa that he extended his Peace Corps commitment and was planning to be a lawyer so he could help others.Costa grew up in Cheshire, the son of Frank Costa and Pam Cameron, and had a younger sister, Danielle. Wiry and athletic, he started playing soccer when he was 5 and excelled at running and jumping. He had an independent spirit: Around age 6, Costa flew alone to Washington to visit his grandparents, and the pilot invited him to sit in the cockpit.In middle school, he participated in a student ambassador program that sent him to England, Scotland and Wales."He understood that the world was way bigger than Cheshire," his mother said. In high school, Costa was elected treasurer of his class.His mathematical skills earned him a scholarship to the University of Connecticut to study actuarial science, but he turned it down in favor of a broader liberal arts education."He thought of college as a way of becoming an educated person, not as a vocational-technical idea," his mother said. Costa chose Tulane University in New Orleans because it offered a contrast to his Connecticut upbringing. It was in the South, in a city far from home.His college major was philosophy, and when his grandfather urged him to be practical and think of his future, "he said he was more concerned with public service," said Bernard Levin, his grandfather. "He wanted to use law to help people who were underprivileged.""People just liked being around him," said Todd Gilbert, a college friend. "He was incredibly funny. He made you smile."Costa joined the Peace Corps after graduating from Tulane in 2003, offering to go anywhere. He had studied French in school, so the Peace Corps sent him to Chad, a poor, French speaking landlocked country in north central Africa where there has been sporadic fighting over the years. (The Peace Corps closed its program there this year.)On an informal Peace Corps scale of adversity, Chad ranked among the toughest assignments."Chad had the reputation: If you could do Chad in the Peace Corps, you could do anything," his mother said.In Mani, a village close to N'Djamena, Chad's capital, Costa taught English and helped start a soccer league. When he realized that the children had no concept of geography, he had them paint a large world map on a wall of the school so they could see where they lived and where he came from."He really wanted them to understand where they fit in the world," his mother said. The village was isolated, and sometimes his family didn't hear from him for two months at a time. But they quickly learned that he was happy."He loved Africa," his mother said.After his two years in Chad were up, he asked to extend his commitment and was assigned to Mali, another French-speaking country in Africa. "He wanted to make a change on a small level and be an ambassador for America," said Chris Kennerlly, a high school friend.Costa was assigned to Kita, a less-isolated village than his previous assignment. He had a refrigerator and a cellphone that worked. He could e-mail from a café in the village.Besides teaching English, Costa started a weekly radio show featuring American music that made him a minor celebrity.Malian women traditionally pound millet, a native grain, into flour, which is boiled into a porridge eaten with sauce. Costa gave them a grinder that made their job quicker and easier. He also taught Malian men how to repair water pumps.He played on the local soccer team and worked with "Shoes for Mali" after learning that two of his players shared one pair of sneakers.Last summer, Costa and three other volunteers decided to build a sailboat.For their first trip, they were sailing the Niger River. Photographs show their wide smiles.The wind propelled them more quickly than they had anticipated, so they lowered the sail. They were approaching rapids and rowing against the tide, trying to reach an inlet, when the mast hit a high-tension wire. Costa and Justin Brady, a volunteer from Oregon, were thrown from the boat. Costa and Brady died, but the other volunteers survived.Costa had been scheduled to return to the United States two weeks later to take his law-school admissions test."He was very intelligent, very insightful," said Nelson Cronyn, Costa's director in Chad. "He was able to teach and stay positive with teaching, despite the fact that the school was dysfunctional and cheating was rampant."Costa talked often about politics and his career plans. "He probably would have remained working in development," Cronyn said."I imagine he would have had a significant impact. ... I imagine he would have been very, very successful."Matthew Costa's family and the Peace Corps are building a soccer field and buying soccer equipment in his memory in the village of Kita in Mali. Donations by check can be made out to Rogin, Nassau, Caplan, Lassman & Hirtle and sent to the attention of Paul Zolan, 185 Asylum St.,, City Place I, 22nd Floor, Hartford, CT 06103-3460. Please put "in memory of Matthew Costa" on the checks.
i don't know if this story is true or not
BUT to be on the safe side, stay out of bushnell park (or ANY PARK) after dark.
a woman was allegedly raped in bushnell park yesterday at approximately 4:30 pm. i would imagine the area around bushnell park would be quite active at that time. with all of the businesses getting out and all. JUST BE CAREFUL
Report Of Rape In Park Sparks Alarm Police Investigate, Order Extra Patrols; Neighborhood Group Issues Warning
By TINA A. BROWN Courant Staff Writer November 16 2006
The report of a sexual assault near the carousel at Bushnell Park in Hartford has sparked an investigation by police, extra patrols and a call by the head of a local neighborhood group to avoid walking in the park after dark.According to a preliminary police report, a woman was walking near the carousel about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday when a man approached and asked for change. She kept walking, but the man grabbed her by her ponytail and sexually assaulted her, police said.Hartford Hospital, where the woman sought treatment, reported the incident to police about 9:30 p.m.. No information about her name, age or hometown was available.Assistant Police Chief Jose Lopez Sr. said it was difficult to say more about the incident because, as of late Wednesday, detectives had not been able to interview the woman.He said no witnesses have come forward...........
a woman was allegedly raped in bushnell park yesterday at approximately 4:30 pm. i would imagine the area around bushnell park would be quite active at that time. with all of the businesses getting out and all. JUST BE CAREFUL
Report Of Rape In Park Sparks Alarm Police Investigate, Order Extra Patrols; Neighborhood Group Issues Warning
By TINA A. BROWN Courant Staff Writer November 16 2006
The report of a sexual assault near the carousel at Bushnell Park in Hartford has sparked an investigation by police, extra patrols and a call by the head of a local neighborhood group to avoid walking in the park after dark.According to a preliminary police report, a woman was walking near the carousel about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday when a man approached and asked for change. She kept walking, but the man grabbed her by her ponytail and sexually assaulted her, police said.Hartford Hospital, where the woman sought treatment, reported the incident to police about 9:30 p.m.. No information about her name, age or hometown was available.Assistant Police Chief Jose Lopez Sr. said it was difficult to say more about the incident because, as of late Wednesday, detectives had not been able to interview the woman.He said no witnesses have come forward...........

it's absolute sick-making. just because someone has the same job for 18 years does NOT necessarily make that person the RIGHT person to continue to hold that job. da liebs not only doesn't see anything wrong with over 2,800 of our men and women being sent to their deaths BUT he wants to SEND MORE. based on that alone, it was one hell of a GIANT mistake to have re-elected him.
Lieberman: From Democratic reject to Washington kingmaker
By Mark LeibovichThe New York Times
Senator Joseph Lieberman strode into a Democratic caucus gathering as if he owned the place or, at the very least, like someone who is a flight risk and could leave at any minute, taking the Democrats' new majority with him.
In other words, everyone was extra-special nice to the wayward Democrat on Tuesday.
"It was all very warm, lots of hugs, high-fives, that kind of stuff," said Senator Ken Salazar, Democrat of Colorado.
"One senator after another kept coming up and shaking his hand," marveled Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon.
"I gave him a hug and a kiss," noted Senator Blanche Lincoln, Democrat of Arkansas.
Lieberman received a standing ovation at a caucus luncheon after Senator Harry Reid, who is poised to become the majority leader, declared, "We're all family."
All of which is particularly touching in light of recent history.
It was, after all, just three months ago that Lieberman became something of a party pariah after losing the Democratic primary in Connecticut but continuing his re-election bid as an independent.
Lieberman won re-election last week without help from most of his Democratic Senate colleagues, who backed Ned Lamont, his Democratic rival, over their "good friend Joe Lieberman."...........
picture: Back in the good graces of the Democratic Party, the wayward Joseph Lieberman, center, with Senators Russell Feingold, left, and Susan Collins, a Republican. ( Alex Wong/Getty Images-AFP )
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
i love the grounds of trinity college
the college looks very old world, very european. i like to go when no one is around and just sit in the quad. (it's not so nice when the students are around as you can imagine). i have some great pictures of me and some friends back in the day hanging out there. perhaps one day i'll scan them and post them (if i ever hook up my printer/copier/scanner/fax machine).
i've seen the cannons. although i don't like weapons, they are rather cool in this state. non-functional that is.
Bringing Back The Big Guns
Trinity College Rebuilds Cannons' Carriages So They Can Return To Quad
They played a role in bringing down the Confederacy, were present for an admiral's immortal words, and now Trinity College officials want to do justice to two Civil War relics. Two large and rather unwieldy relics, that is. Since 1950, Trinity College has owned two 9,000-pound cannons built in 1859 that were used on the Civil War battleship the USS Hartford. The guns are being kept outside the college's maintenance department while their carriages, which deteriorated in recent years, are rebuilt. Heading up the project is Mike Roraback, construction trades foreman with the buildings and grounds department, who expects to finish by the end of the January. Originally, the college was going to go to an outside contractor, but Roraback wanted a new challenge. "I've worked on 100 homes, but this is something totally different," he says.It took some time before he could start work because he first wanted the original plans for the cannons. He began by calling the U.S. Navy, where he was bounced from one department to another over several months. Eventually he was referred to the Smithsonian Institution, and another series of phone calls put him in touch with the people who knew of the plans. They sent them to Roraback.The carriages were first rebuilt in the 1990s, when the Navy League of the United States borrowed them for a ceremonial display. But instead of the original white oak, they used red oak, which proved to be poorly suited for outside wear. Roraback's restoring the white oak with help from his friends at Parkerville Wood Products in Manchester, who gave him a deal on the lumber. Though Roraback wants the carriages to reflect the architectural structure of the originals, there's always room for improvement. .........
i've seen the cannons. although i don't like weapons, they are rather cool in this state. non-functional that is.
Bringing Back The Big Guns
Trinity College Rebuilds Cannons' Carriages So They Can Return To Quad
They played a role in bringing down the Confederacy, were present for an admiral's immortal words, and now Trinity College officials want to do justice to two Civil War relics. Two large and rather unwieldy relics, that is. Since 1950, Trinity College has owned two 9,000-pound cannons built in 1859 that were used on the Civil War battleship the USS Hartford. The guns are being kept outside the college's maintenance department while their carriages, which deteriorated in recent years, are rebuilt. Heading up the project is Mike Roraback, construction trades foreman with the buildings and grounds department, who expects to finish by the end of the January. Originally, the college was going to go to an outside contractor, but Roraback wanted a new challenge. "I've worked on 100 homes, but this is something totally different," he says.It took some time before he could start work because he first wanted the original plans for the cannons. He began by calling the U.S. Navy, where he was bounced from one department to another over several months. Eventually he was referred to the Smithsonian Institution, and another series of phone calls put him in touch with the people who knew of the plans. They sent them to Roraback.The carriages were first rebuilt in the 1990s, when the Navy League of the United States borrowed them for a ceremonial display. But instead of the original white oak, they used red oak, which proved to be poorly suited for outside wear. Roraback's restoring the white oak with help from his friends at Parkerville Wood Products in Manchester, who gave him a deal on the lumber. Though Roraback wants the carriages to reflect the architectural structure of the originals, there's always room for improvement. .........
i've told this before
and it's befitting at this time, i say it again. when i was at the texas state fair (MANY years ago) an emu shat on my shoe (and i was attacked by a herd of pygmy goats. i didn't mind that though. they were adorable)
Emu's Freedom Ends With Heart Attack
SIMSBURY, Conn. -- An emu that had been on the run from a Simsbury farm for four months was finally recaptured, but has died after an apparent heart attack.
The large, flightless bird had bolted from Flamig Farm in July and was caught Monday.
The bird was cornered at a fence in the north end of Simsbury, but died before it could be returned to the farm, where it had been hatched four to five years ago.
Officials said that during its four months on the loose, the emu had romped through the woods of Simsbury, Avon, Canton, Burlington and New Hartford.
Emu's Freedom Ends With Heart Attack
SIMSBURY, Conn. -- An emu that had been on the run from a Simsbury farm for four months was finally recaptured, but has died after an apparent heart attack.
The large, flightless bird had bolted from Flamig Farm in July and was caught Monday.
The bird was cornered at a fence in the north end of Simsbury, but died before it could be returned to the farm, where it had been hatched four to five years ago.
Officials said that during its four months on the loose, the emu had romped through the woods of Simsbury, Avon, Canton, Burlington and New Hartford.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
from the last chance democracy cafe
an article on da liebs (i can't help adding, 'i told ya')
I hate Joe Lieberman
Time and time again during the campaign, Joe Lieberman promised that if elected as an independent, after losing the Democratic nomination to Ned Lamont, he would caucus with the Democrats. And given how politically dark blue Connecticut is, absent that pledge he’d have stood little chance of winning.
But as so many of us predicted, now that he’s safely back in office he’s starting to play footsie with the GOP.
(AP) Lieberman Wishes to Be Called Independent Democrat
He was asked about a scenario in which he might become uncomfortable as Democrats sought to enforce party discipline and then the GOP offered to keep him as a committee chairman and respect his seniority if he switched..........
I hate Joe Lieberman
Time and time again during the campaign, Joe Lieberman promised that if elected as an independent, after losing the Democratic nomination to Ned Lamont, he would caucus with the Democrats. And given how politically dark blue Connecticut is, absent that pledge he’d have stood little chance of winning.
But as so many of us predicted, now that he’s safely back in office he’s starting to play footsie with the GOP.
(AP) Lieberman Wishes to Be Called Independent Democrat
He was asked about a scenario in which he might become uncomfortable as Democrats sought to enforce party discipline and then the GOP offered to keep him as a committee chairman and respect his seniority if he switched..........
Monday, November 13, 2006
my favorite food in the whole wide world; polenta

i made this for my pops and kept some for me on the side (since i don't eat cheese, i made mine vegan)
i started with this recipe as a guide but then i added my own touches.
(all the ingredients i used i found in my fathers fridge or cabinets)

i made a simple sauce out of onions and parmalat pomi tomatoes (the ones in the little box, not canned), a can of whole foods sauce and a can of tomato paste (of course i used seasonings as well). i only cooked the sauce for 20 minutes or so. i rehydrated a bunch of different kinds of dried mushrooms i had and set those aside. i cooked up some frozen spinich and mixed that with the drained mushrooms. i grated some fresh nutmeg in the mixture and set it aside. i then grated some parmesean and chopped up some gouda and set that aside. i made the polenta (i got some bulk polenta from whole foods. the grains were big and were a very nice yellow color) using a couple of vegan bouillion cubes and a couple of tablespoons of margerine. i used approximately 8 c of water to 2 1/2 c polenta. i added about 1/3 of the polenta with the mushroom spinich mixture and i added a cup or two of the sauce to the remaining polenta. i put 1/2 of the red polenta in the bottom of a greased foil pan. i then spooned on the green layer. i topped that with the two cheeses. after that i spooned on the remaining red polenta. put a bit more of the plain red sauce on top of that and sprinkled a bit more parmesean on the very top. i baked it for about 1/2 hour (give or take) at 350 degrees.

my popi couldn't stop raving about it (if i do say so myself). then again, he grew up on it. it was one of noni's standard dishes (my noni was the best cook in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

warm coats for winter
my work has a collection bin for coats. (actually my work is wicked cool about these types of things. they encourage volunteerism. they even collect pet foods and pet items a couple of times a year in addition to tons of other things)
With winter rapidly approaching, gently used coats are urgently needed to warm men, women and children in the Capital Area. This need is annually addressed through the coat drive, where thousands of coats are collected and distributed to local nonprofit organizations.
The coat drive collects clean, gently used coats for men, women and children who need them in the 40-town Capital area..........
With winter rapidly approaching, gently used coats are urgently needed to warm men, women and children in the Capital Area. This need is annually addressed through the coat drive, where thousands of coats are collected and distributed to local nonprofit organizations.
The coat drive collects clean, gently used coats for men, women and children who need them in the 40-town Capital area..........
YOU voted for him
and one of the first things he says upon his re-election is: SEND MORE OF OUR MEN AND WOMEN TO BE MAIMED AND KILLED IN AN UNJUST UNLAWFUL WAR IN IRAQ
(i didn't vote for him)
McCain and Lieberman Express Support For Sending More Troops to Iraq
Opposition to the Iraq war was the dominant factor in this week’s election. NBC’s Meet the Press invited Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) to discuss the issue. Both McCain and Lieberman expressed support for sending more troops to Iraq.......
.........RUSSERT: Should we send more troops?
LIEBERMAN: I think we have to be open to that as a way to succeed, to achieve a free and independent Iraq, which would be an extraordinary accomplishment.................
(i didn't vote for him)
McCain and Lieberman Express Support For Sending More Troops to Iraq
Opposition to the Iraq war was the dominant factor in this week’s election. NBC’s Meet the Press invited Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) to discuss the issue. Both McCain and Lieberman expressed support for sending more troops to Iraq.......
.........RUSSERT: Should we send more troops?
LIEBERMAN: I think we have to be open to that as a way to succeed, to achieve a free and independent Iraq, which would be an extraordinary accomplishment.................
Sunday, November 12, 2006
i certainly think exceptions CAN be made for cases such as this
let the woman read her son's emails on breaks and at lunch (at work). after all not only is he fighting for the state of connecticut, HE'S FIGHTING FOR HIS NATION (well you know what i mean.)
State policy clamps down on mom's correspondence with soldier son
November 11, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. --With her son deployed with the military in Afghanistan, Sheila Chunis finds peace of mind with each e-mail he sends her.
It's a cyber chat she looks forward to every day. Because of the 10-hour time difference, she's at her work computer about the same time he comes off duty and sends her a message.
But Chunis, an employee at the state Department of Social Service, has been threatened with disciplinary action if she continues to read her son's e-mails on state time because of a government policy on computer use.
"I feel like he's a member of the state militia, and in effect a state employee, so why can't I send him an e-mail?" Chunis said.
She has a home computer, but she finds it difficult to wait all day to read her son's e-mails because she is concerned about him.
The policy, which took effect in May, arose from a scandal that saw one administrator fired and five Veterans Affairs employees investigated for improper use of state computers.
It prohibits state workers from accessing private e-mail accounts on the Internet while at work. Employees, however, are allowed to open e-mail messages from their children's teachers and message back and forth with co-workers to plan social events.
Chunis said she constantly worries about her son, Andrew, a corporal in a Manchester-based Connecticut Army National Guard unit. He's been overseas since March and is not expected back until next April. But seeing that morning e-mail each day lifts her anxiety........
State policy clamps down on mom's correspondence with soldier son
November 11, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. --With her son deployed with the military in Afghanistan, Sheila Chunis finds peace of mind with each e-mail he sends her.
It's a cyber chat she looks forward to every day. Because of the 10-hour time difference, she's at her work computer about the same time he comes off duty and sends her a message.
But Chunis, an employee at the state Department of Social Service, has been threatened with disciplinary action if she continues to read her son's e-mails on state time because of a government policy on computer use.
"I feel like he's a member of the state militia, and in effect a state employee, so why can't I send him an e-mail?" Chunis said.
She has a home computer, but she finds it difficult to wait all day to read her son's e-mails because she is concerned about him.
The policy, which took effect in May, arose from a scandal that saw one administrator fired and five Veterans Affairs employees investigated for improper use of state computers.
It prohibits state workers from accessing private e-mail accounts on the Internet while at work. Employees, however, are allowed to open e-mail messages from their children's teachers and message back and forth with co-workers to plan social events.
Chunis said she constantly worries about her son, Andrew, a corporal in a Manchester-based Connecticut Army National Guard unit. He's been overseas since March and is not expected back until next April. But seeing that morning e-mail each day lifts her anxiety........
connecticut destination of the day: eli whitney museum

thanks to 'anonymous' for the tip!!! another covered bridge (replica) in connecticut
eli whitney museum
connecticut with gillian hodgen; eli whitney museum
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