Friday, January 11, 2008
important request
so, if you live in town, why not drop a few items off? i have adopted a few soldiers over the past few years from soldier's angels. i know how much care packages mean to someone who is deployed.
you can bring non-perishable food items (NO pork products though - beef jerky is good, powdered drink mixes, candy, etc). toiletries (deodorants, baby wipes, hand cream, etc. please put them in a ziplock bag though - just in case.......). magazines and books and puzzle, sudoku books are good. dvds and about playing cards, cribbage boards....
if you need more ideas, go to the soldier's angels website. they have a BUNCH of good ideas for care packages.
from the west hartford news:
West Hartford Police Officers Association putting together care packages
The West Hartford Police Officers Association is currently putting care packages together which will be sent to department members Officer Samuel Ferrucci and Lieutenant Daniel Coppinger who are currently serving our country overseas.Ofc. Ferrucci is being deployed to Iraq where he will be training Iraqi Citizens to be police officers and Lt. Coppinger is currently stationed in Afghanistan. The West Hartford Police Officers Association is donating the care packages of various personal items to be used by the soldiers in Lieutenant Coppinger's and Officer Ferrucci's units.Any citizen who would like to include a note of thanks for our soldiers/ West Hartford Police Officers or donate personal items is asked to send or drop them off at
the West Hartford Police Officers Association,
103 Raymond Rd.,
West Hartford, CT 0610.
Please have any notes or donations in by Jan. 15. The packages will be sent out after this date.
a few words from ned
Why I'm Supporting Barack Obama
by Ned Lamont
When I decided to run for Senate, I did so because I deeply believed that the citizens of Connecticut were yearning to see fundamental changes in our politics - changes that would make government work for them again.
Today, with our Presidential primary in Connecticut less than a month away, I am announcing my support of Barack Obama for President because I am convinced that his forward-looking, progressive vision provides the best chance to enact meaningful reforms in the way Washington works.
Sen. Obama has the tone and temperament to bring out the best in our people and our nation, and to bring new coalitions together in support of the progressive policies we all want to see enacted. His campaign has already reflected this, not only by bringing hundreds of thousands of new voters of all ages to the polls, but by inspiring so many who are new to politics to become activists as well.........
Thursday, January 10, 2008
uh oh shawn
(also a shout out to cormac - who forwarded me the article. and where IS cormac you ask? cormac is in IRELAND. and yes, he read the article)
State Forces Half Door To End Its Bingo Nights
By JESSE LEAVENWORTH Courant Staff Writer
Bingo nights at a Hartford tavern have been scratched after state officials informed the owner he was breaking the law.A representative of the state Division of Special Revenue visited the Half Door Monday afternoon after being alerted to an article that day in The Courant, division spokesman Paul Bernstein said Tuesday. The story focused on popular bingo nights at the Sisson Avenue pub, formerly the Cool Moose.Half Door owner Shawn Skehan said he was not aware of a state law that bans for-profit businesses from running bingo games. Skehan said he immediately agreed to discontinue the games...........
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
please watch out for your pets
by News Channel 8's Bob Wilson
Griswold (WTNH) _ A beloved pet's run-in with a coyote has changed one family forever. The attack came right in front of the dog's owner.
It's being called a miracle tonight. Lilly, an 8-year-old Maltese, was snapped up by a coyote in the woods behind her home. But her owners got her back and it looks like she will survive the attack.
"I've never really seen a dog with that many puncture wounds from a coyote attack before. She is one of the worst I've seen," Dr. Trisha Ross said.
Lilly's body is bandaged from head to tail, covered with more than 50 puncture wounds, some of the worst ones were around the neck. The attack happened in the back yard late Saturday night.
Sharon Hill says her husband had just taken Lilly out when he heard yelping. He grabbed a flashlight and ran after her. She was being dragged into the woods of Griswold by a coyote.
"She was actually being dragged into the woods, and my husband grabbed her and ran her inside. We called to see where we could bring her," Hill said.......
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
my left nutmeg
Congressman Murphy on Joe Lieberman: "I'm disappointed"
by: ctblogger
Sun Jan 06, 2008 at 17:17:42 PM EST
partial crosspost from HatCityBLOG
Back from campaigning for Chris Dodd in Iowa, Congressman Chris Murphy made an appearance on WFSB's "Face the State" and offered his views on our junior senator's endorsement of John McCain.
HOUSE: When Joe Lieberman was elected to the senate last year in 2006 he said he was going to work hard to get a Democrat back into the White House, yet he has endorsed Republican John McCain. How do you feel about that.
MURPHY: I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed.
I find it hard to believe that another four years of a Republican administration, whether it's George Bush or John McCain is the right thing for this country. I can't understand how a stay the course policy in Iraq, which John McCain espouses, is going to make this country any safer or make this country any stronger.
We all understood when Senator Lieberman got re-elected that he was going to be a different voice than he was previously, but a lot of us that think this country has to take a different direction were disappointed with his choice.
HOUSE: Should he leave the party or has he already left you think?
MURPHY: Well I think it's hard to justify that Senator Lieberman is a member of the Democratic Party any longer. ...............
a nice article in yesterday's courant
well, their Bar Beer B-i-n-g-o
Twice-Weekly Games At Hartford Pub Draw Young Players
in particular!
(i'm never there on monday or thursday nights. it's far too late for me. i keep odd hours. while the half door is my home away from home, i've never played their bar bingo.)
By MAGDALENE PEREZ Courant Staff Writer
Bingo. The word calls to mind glitzy casinos and folks with snowy-white hairdos gathered in a church basement.At the Half Door in Hartford, it's a different scene. Every Monday and Thursday nights, patrons in their early 20s and 30s flock to this Irish pub to drink, socialize and mark those bingo cards.It's not all about winning. There's no cover charge, and the biggest prize for stringing five numbers in a row is two free drinks. Instead, it's the carefree atmosphere that keeps the clientele coming back for more. Regulars know the bartenders by first name and laugh at the bingo-caller's bad jokes. Groups of friends huddle over the numbered slips of paper in booths with worn, wooden tabletops. And when somebody yells "Bingo!" the ones who haven't won toss their cards in the air in a flurry of good-hearted catcalls and "boos."........
Monday, January 07, 2008

That's the case for Anita Bevaqua McBride, the Bridgeport native and chief of staff for first lady Laura Bush, who recently requested a tray of Italian Christmas cookies from Bridgeport to make her holidays a little more like home.
While she was growing up, McBridge attended Holy Rosary Catholic Church here. Her friend, the Rev. Matthew Mauriello, the pastor of Holy Rosary, brought McBride a three-pound tray of struffoli from DelPrete Bakery here, fulfilling McBride's Christmas wish.
The little fried balls of egg dough dipped in honey and coated with candy sprinkles were a holiday treat at the White House.
"I shared them with the staff. They were a hit and went fast. There weren't any left for the president and Mrs. Bush," McBride said.
Mauriello visited Washington Dec. 19 to see the White House decorations for the recent holidays and brought McBride the struffolis at her request.
"They even went through the metal detector machines, of course," Mauriello said.
He got them at Del Prete, an Italian bakery on Main Street in the Bull's Head section of the city.
"It's a Christmas specialty item," said Lou Mezzo, the bakery's owner.......
(my FAVORITE in the whole wide world you ask. easy. it was my noni's cenci. EVERY country has the same recipe. they just call them different names. my non's were THE best though. THE ABSOLUTE BEST)

Sunday, January 06, 2008
please stop by andy thibault's
i highly recommend his blog in general by the way. not only does he report on justice mainly in our state (OR lack thereof) but he has many postings about the arts, literary in particular
Douche Bag FOI Hearing Runs Two-Plus Hours
Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission HearingJan. 4, 200818-20 Trinity St.Hartford, CT 860-566-5682 Complaint by Andy Thibault Against Paula Schwartz, Superintendent of Schools,Regional School District #10Editor's Note: Today's hearing opened shortly after 11:30 a.m. and concluded about 2 p.m. The hearing was taped by CT-N, the Connecticut Network. The network posts its schedule at and generally broadcasts such hearings a few days later.
Connecticut Network, CT-NThe hearing officer's decision generally follows several weeks later. However, both parties have until Jan. 17 to file briefs summarizing the case and making final arguments.The hearing officer's decision will be voted on during a regular meeting of the Freedom of Information Commission.In a significant development, counsel for the Region 10 Board of Education, Atty. Christine Chinni, agreed to produce unredacted billing records from her firm for an in-camera or confidential review by the FOI Commission. This followed requests during the hearing and in prior correspondence.Outstanding issues include the question of whether the Region 10 Board of Education is using an insurance company as a front or beard to hide public records. Other issues include claims that Superintendent Schwartz failed to produce records including ballots in a timely manner as required by the FOI law. A sample write-in ballot for Avery Doninger, Secretary Elect of the Lewis Mills High School Class of 2008, was entered into the record.Prior correspondence on file at the Freedom of Information Commission -- including a request for a subpoena of Chinni -- was not allowed into the hearing record.Chinni had written to the FOI Commission on Dec. 7, 2007: "While I will be representing the respondent, Paula Schwartz, Superintendent of Regional School District No. 10, in these proceedings, my partner, Craig Meuser, will present my sworn testimony on these matters."Chinni refused to testify today. No explanation was given.Most, but not all of my following remarks were allowed into the record. I also inserted a statement a couple of times as follows: The FOI law demands that the respondents produce originals of documents in a timely manner.-- Andy Thibault.................
(more at the link above)