Thursday, January 28, 2010
more on the west hartford shooting BUT...
(yeah, as long as we understand, 'it' was from HARTFORD and NOT WEST hartford. we can all sleep more comfortably now)
not only do i live within walking distance of the incident, there are TONS OF KIDS who live in that area. gunshots entered homes. we've very lucky no one else was hit. it appears buildings were, but not people other than the two original men.
at any rate, all satire aside, i am so very sorry someone has been murdered in my town (or anywhere for that matter). i very much want the shooters caught, tried and brought to justice.
Victim ID'd in West Hartford Shooting
By CHRISTINE DEMPSEY The Hartford Courant
WEST HARTFORD — - The shooting that killed Christian Torres, injured a second man and put bullet holes in Park Road businesses probably started across the city line, police said today.
"Some of the facts of the investigation lead us to believe that this incident began in Hartford," West Hartford Officer Rob Riccobon said at a press conference.
Riccobon gave very little information about the details of the investigation or about the shooting victims. But he said the shooting clearly was not random; it appears Torres and the other injured man were targeted.
Police did not identify the man who survived. He was treated at an area hospital and discharged with no permanent injuries, Riccobon said.
Shooting kills one in West Hartford
One person has died following a shooting Tuesday night in West Hartford.
Police tell News Channel 8 two people were shot near 90 Park Road around 9:30 p.m.
Police identified the dead victim as Christian Torres, but did not identify survivor who was treated at an area hospital and released. Police say one victim was found in a car and Torres was outside the vehicle. He was transported to St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.
Police believe someone in getaway car fired the shots.
"One thing we're asking residents is it appears that in this shooting that we have some houses that were hit," Lt. Stephen Estes, West Hartford Police, said in a Tuesday night press conference. "We're asking people now, or when they wake up in the morning [to come to police], because they may in fact find their houses hit or some of their cars hit." ............Technorati Tags:west hartford police, park road, christian torres, violence, guns, hartford
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
you think....NOT in west hartford BUT....
and part road is such a bustling place these days.
Two People Injured In West Hartford Shooting
WEST HARTFORD - Two people were shot on Park Road tonight, possibly by the occupants of an SUV that fled toward Hartford, police said.
The victims were taken to St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center.
Gunfire rang out about 9:30 p.m. and several people called police. Responding officers found one victim in a silver car near 91 Park Road. A second victim was located outside the vehicle, said Lt. Stephen Estes............
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010
oh, i'm guessing they're going to get way more
this is sad. this is america. this is sad. this is america. this is sad. this is america. i have to keep telling myself that
For People With No Health Insurance, One Day Of Free Care
By ARIELLE LEVIN BECKER The Hartford Courant
They came by the hundreds in New Orleans, Little Rock, Kansas City and Houston, lured by the offer of free health care at a one-day clinic. For many patients, it was the first time they had seen a doctor in years. Nearly all of them had jobs, just no health insurance.
Feb. 3 will be Hartford's turn for a one-day free medical clinic for people with no health insurance. The National Association of Free Clinics, which has been hosting similar events throughout the country since September, and hundreds of volunteers will set up at the Connecticut Convention Center from noon to 7 p.m. Organizers expect to draw about 1,000 patients...................
oh honey not only is that bridge burned
Lieberman: It's 'Possible' I Could Run As 'A Good Old-Fashioned New England Moderate Republican'
Jillian Rayfield
Over the weekend, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) said it's "possible" he could run for Senate as "a good old-fashioned New England moderate Republican."
As ThinkProgress pointed out, Lieberman gave an interview to Connecticut's "Face The State," and acknowledged the possibility that he will run for Senate re-election as a Republican.
Lieberman was first asked if there he could possibly return to being a "full-fledged Democrat," or if that is a "bridge burned."
He responded: "No, I don't think it's burned," but that "I haven't really focused on it, but I'd say from the get go, any one of's good, to paraphrase Mel Brooks, it's good to be an independent. It gives me latitude."..............
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Sunday, January 24, 2010
from andy thibault's cool justice report
please click the link below to go to andy's blog and read the whole story. it's important
Jan Smolinski's Shocking Testimony Before Congress 1-21-10
We still couldn't get the attention of the local police department. They dismissed Billy as a voluntary runaway case ...
... Eventually we uncovered information that led us to believe Billy had been murdered in Woodbridge, Connecticut, and buried in Seymour ...
... The police were not only slow to respond, but they also didn't properly report the case. It took four years for a report to be correctly filed with the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) ...
... The only person who has been arrested in this case is me. When we tried to hang missing person flyers on telephone poles in Woodbridge, the police arrested me.
Testimony by Janice Smolinski
Mother of Billy Smolinski
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security
H.R. 3695, the Help Find the Missing Act (Billy's Law)
Good morning and thank you Chairman Scott, Ranking Member Gohmert, and Members of the Subcommittee for having the courage to tackle the tragic disconnect in our country's effort to find missing Americans.
The Help Find the Missing Act has been named "Billy's Law" in honor of our son who went missing from Waterbury, Connecticut five years ago. It is my husband Bill and my greatest hope that the legislation, so well crafted by Congressman Murphy and Congressman Poe, will be signed into law in order to help bring answers and peace to the thousands of families wrestling with the horror of having a loved one go missing.
My husband and I are uncomfortable in the spotlight, but we hope that sharing our family's story can shed light on this national nightmare and illustrate the urgent need to pass Billy's Law. With over 100,000 people missing in this country, our family's story is not a unique one.
Our son's name is William Smolinski Jr., and his whole life we called him Billy. He was funny, and a bit of a goof ball, always trying to surprise us with a joke or a trick..........
pic: don't know the credit, but it was on andy's posting
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