the green lady of burlington
THE PRESENCE OF a benign and beautiful female ghost haunting the town cemetery in rural Burlington has been verified not only by the many area residents who have sighted her in the past thirty years, but also by Ed and Lorraine Warren of Monroe, Connecticut's best-known and most indefatigable ghost hunters. Known throughout the Avon-Burlington-Simsbury region as the "Green Lady of Burlington," this restless spirit always appears in the form of a greenish mist, but with a well-defined body and a soft, pretty face lighted by an enigmatic smile.
Perhaps because of her generally happy features, quiet ways and non-threatening actions, stories about the Green Lady usually contain some imaginative explanation of her continuing presence in the town cemetery and speculation about her identity. Also, because she may be Connecticut's most boring ghost, her legends are almost always endowed by the story-teller with elements of violence or catastrophe, using motifs well-known by folklorists to "migrate" from one supernatural legend to another. So far as they can be reasonably established, however, her identity and motivations remain a total mystery. She just materializes unexpectedly, glows green for a time, smiles her sweet smile and then disappears..........
picture: trekearth.com