no, it's NOT in some third world country. it's RIGHT HERE IN CONNECTICUT.
not only would someone FORCE a 12 (yes, i said TWELVE) year old into prostitution, people were having sex with that 12 (yes, i said TWELVE) year old. even with hair extensions and makeup, how could you not know someone was underage? yeah they caught the (alleged. it pains me to say alleged but one must) pimp but i want them (in this case) to catch ALL of the johns too. ALL OF 'EM. make them pay for what they did to that TWELVE year old
Authorities Describe Ring That Included 12-Year-Old Sex Slave
NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- Federal authorities said a New York man arrested as part of a human trafficking investigation forced a 12-year-old girl to be a sex slave, confining her to a house in New York and transporting her to Connecticut to work up to 12 hours a day as a prostitute.
The case shows that domestic trafficking of U.S. citizens is a concern along with international human trafficking, U.S. Attorney Kevin O'Connor said.
"We are not going to tolerate any type of trafficking here in Connecticut, particularly when children are being exploited in such an egregious manner as we allege here," O'Connor said.........
..........Corey "Magnificent" Davis, 35, face charges of sex trafficking, forced labor, document servitude, kidnapping and transporting minors for immoral purposes. Shamere "Barbie" McKenzie, 23, of New York, was charged with conspiracy to transport minors for immoral purposes.........
...........The operation allegedly allowed Davis to lead the high life. Authorities seized $29,000 in cash, two Mercedes Benz cars, a two-family house in Queens, and jewelry worth $110,000, including a watch with diamond stones, from Davis.
Davis, who has been detained since his arrest in December, faces a maximum term of life in prison if convicted. McKenzie, who was released on $100,000 bond after her arrest in January, faces up to five years in prison if convicted.
The case was investigated by the Smuggling and Trafficking of Persons Investigative Task Force, the FBI, Internal Revenue Service, state and local police......
Saturday, March 17, 2007
hartford has postponed the st patrick's day parade
to NEXT saturday the 24th.
i did venture out yesterday early afternoon to the half door
i figured i'd keep cathy company, since it was snowing so badly out, NO ONE would be in there. how WRONG i was. the worse it got outside, the MORE CROWDED it got INSIDE.
of course they got their tent up as they do every year, covering the patio. someone had to go out every 20 minutes or so and bang the snow off of the tent roof (that someone was me for most of the time, although others did chip in). i was going to drive down there now (well 4 am) to clean the roof off, but i just don't feel like it. i'm still soaked to the bone from YESTERDAY.
today (st patrick's day) is the ONLY day i would never venture there. it is a MADHOUSE. bands all day from 8 am till closing. irish dancing and of course plenty of guinness (and the like) along with a big arse irish breakfast and a corned beef and cabbage dinner later.
if you don't mind crowds and are in the mood to celebrate, DO drop by. they'll be more than happy to see (and serve) you!
Hartford Reschedules St. Patrick's Day Parade
HARTFORD, Conn. -- An unexpected nor'easter and heavy snowfall prompted officials Friday to postpone the St. Patrick's Day parade scheduled for Saturday on the streets of Hartford.
For some, it might not make much of a difference.
This year, nearly one-third of those surveyed said they planned to celebrate St. Patrick's Day by attending a party at their favorite restaurant or bar. However, another one-third of consumers prefer a quiet evening at home, with 33.9 percent staying in to make a special dinner..........
i did venture out yesterday early afternoon to the half door
i figured i'd keep cathy company, since it was snowing so badly out, NO ONE would be in there. how WRONG i was. the worse it got outside, the MORE CROWDED it got INSIDE.
of course they got their tent up as they do every year, covering the patio. someone had to go out every 20 minutes or so and bang the snow off of the tent roof (that someone was me for most of the time, although others did chip in). i was going to drive down there now (well 4 am) to clean the roof off, but i just don't feel like it. i'm still soaked to the bone from YESTERDAY.
today (st patrick's day) is the ONLY day i would never venture there. it is a MADHOUSE. bands all day from 8 am till closing. irish dancing and of course plenty of guinness (and the like) along with a big arse irish breakfast and a corned beef and cabbage dinner later.
if you don't mind crowds and are in the mood to celebrate, DO drop by. they'll be more than happy to see (and serve) you!
Hartford Reschedules St. Patrick's Day Parade
HARTFORD, Conn. -- An unexpected nor'easter and heavy snowfall prompted officials Friday to postpone the St. Patrick's Day parade scheduled for Saturday on the streets of Hartford.
For some, it might not make much of a difference.
This year, nearly one-third of those surveyed said they planned to celebrate St. Patrick's Day by attending a party at their favorite restaurant or bar. However, another one-third of consumers prefer a quiet evening at home, with 33.9 percent staying in to make a special dinner..........
Friday, March 16, 2007
possibly pursue legal action?
no, you DO pursue legal action! track down the former tenant and make him or her suffer the consequences of torturing their dogs.
Dogs abandoned in Old Lyme garage
Old Lyme - WTNH) _ Abandoning dogs can be considered cruel but the discovery of four mistreated dogs in Old Lyme could be considered criminal.
The property owner said the last tenant took everything of value from the garage, except for his dogs. They were left without food and water for nearly a week, leaving Martha Rumskas, the town's animal control officer with a potentially dangerous situation.
"Well there's one dog in there that I know that's not very nice because I've tried to pick that dog up quite a few times when it's been roaming and I've never been able to catch it," said Rumskas............
............"He had a harness on and it's too tight and it is ripped at least two inches into his flesh," said Rumskas.
Rumskas said she wants justice for the abandoned animals and plans to track down their owner and possibly pursue legal action..............
Dogs abandoned in Old Lyme garage
Old Lyme - WTNH) _ Abandoning dogs can be considered cruel but the discovery of four mistreated dogs in Old Lyme could be considered criminal.
The property owner said the last tenant took everything of value from the garage, except for his dogs. They were left without food and water for nearly a week, leaving Martha Rumskas, the town's animal control officer with a potentially dangerous situation.
"Well there's one dog in there that I know that's not very nice because I've tried to pick that dog up quite a few times when it's been roaming and I've never been able to catch it," said Rumskas............
............"He had a harness on and it's too tight and it is ripped at least two inches into his flesh," said Rumskas.
Rumskas said she wants justice for the abandoned animals and plans to track down their owner and possibly pursue legal action..............
animal abuse
Thursday, March 15, 2007
i hope they find those that were responsible for the injuries to this dog (and eventual death) and i am sure the injuries to MANY other dogs as well. i just don't understand how people can be this way. i just don't
Fighting dog dies from injuries
(Middletown - WTNH) _ Dogs are supposed to be man's best friend, but police in Middletown said that was not the case with a pit bull found brutally attacked on the street.
The dog was dumped on the side of Wilderman's Way Road and left to die of his wounds. On Sunday, a good samiariatan found the animal and called police. He was brought to Piper-Olson Animal Hospital where doctors tried to nurse him back to health.
For everything this dog had been through, Dr. John Gustavson said the pit-bull was unbelievably gentle.
"He was very nice to us, we never muzzled him at all," said Gustavson. "He was great in that sense, as far as we could tell.".............
Fighting dog dies from injuries
(Middletown - WTNH) _ Dogs are supposed to be man's best friend, but police in Middletown said that was not the case with a pit bull found brutally attacked on the street.
The dog was dumped on the side of Wilderman's Way Road and left to die of his wounds. On Sunday, a good samiariatan found the animal and called police. He was brought to Piper-Olson Animal Hospital where doctors tried to nurse him back to health.
For everything this dog had been through, Dr. John Gustavson said the pit-bull was unbelievably gentle.
"He was very nice to us, we never muzzled him at all," said Gustavson. "He was great in that sense, as far as we could tell.".............
march 17th at the old state house.....

March 17th
Fourth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq
Old State House, 800 Main St., 3:00 – 4:30 PM
Stop the War
$400 Billion Spent So Far
3,000 Americans & Hundreds of Thousands of Iraqis Dead
Countless More Wounded & Displaced
Change Our Priorities
Make Our Cities Safe
Provide Health Care, Education and Jobs for All
Full Financial and Medical Support for Returning Troops
Sponsored by Connecticut Opposes the War:
Jerry Brown, President Emeritus, District 1199, SEIU; Susan Bysiewicz, Secretary of the State; Chris Donovan, Majority Leader, CT House of Representatives; Andy Fleischmann, CT State Representative; John Geragosian, CT State Representative; Jonathan Harris, CT State Senator; Dave McCluskey, CT State Representative; Tim O’Brien, CT State Representative; Mayor Dan Malloy, Stamford; John Olsen, President, CT AFL-CIO; Sharon Palmer, President, American Federation of Teachers – CT; Mayor Eddie Perez, Hartford; David Pudlin, former Majority Leader, CT House of Representatives; Reverend Dr. Steven Sidorak, Exec. Dir., Christian Council of Churches; Mayor Scott Slifka, West Hartford; Irv Stolberg, former Speaker, CT House of Representatives; Kevin Sullivan, former Lt. Governor; Tom Swan, Executive Director, CT Citizen Action Group; AFSCME Council 4; CT AFL-CIO; District 1199, SEIU; Greater Hartford Labor Council; State Council of Machinists IAM & AW; UE; Northeast Region; UAW CT State CAP Council; Collaborative Center for Justice; Episcopal Peace Fellowship; Hartford Catholic Worker; Interfaith Coalition for Equity & Justice; People of Faith CT; Reclaiming the Prophetic Voice; Sisters Of Notre Dame De Namur; Sisters of Mercy Leadership Team; Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambery; Amer. Friends Service Committee CT; Connecticut Citizen Action Group; Council for a Livable World; CT NOW; Charter Oak Cultural Center; CT Coalition for Peace & Justice; Citizens for Global Solutions-NE CT; CT Trans Advocacy Coalition; Communist Party USA – CT; Democracy for America – Hartford; United Nations Assn. of US – CT Div.; Greater New Haven Peace Council; Green Party CT; Military Families Speak Out; New Haven People‘s Center; Northeast Coalition for Peace & Justice; Peace Action of Greater Hartford; Socialist Party USA Central CT; West Hartford Citizens for Peace & Justice; Witness for Peace, New Eng.; Veterans for Peace, Central CT, and more!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
pi (and elizabeth zimmerman or as she is affectionately known, ez)

today is 3.14.
Pi Fans Have Their Day
This is a story about love. About inscrutable complexity and remarkable simplicity, about the promise of forever. It is about obsession and devotion, and grand gestures and 4,000-word love letters.
It is about a curious group of people with an almost religious zeal for a mind-numbing string of numbers. Actually one number, made up of a chain that is known - so far - to be more than one trillion digits long.
They are the acolytes of the church of pi.................
and you may well wonder what the heck ez has to do with pi. well LOTS. i have heard much of ez but i never saw one of her books or saw her old pbs show on knitting. last monday, i got a copy of the old pbs show "knitting workshop" on dvd. two dvds. the first is four hours long, the second is two hours long. the first has two parts
part 1 is four half hour lessons. ez talks of wool and gauge and casting on and winding wool and increasing and decreasing. she also shows you how to knit a hat
part 2 is four half hour lessons. ez shows you how to knit two different kinds of sweaters. one is a yoke sweater the other is a norwegian dropped shoulder sweater (she even shows you steeks although that word never is uttered).
i have NOT watched the second dvd yet. i'm savoring it.
ez passed a few years ago but i LOVE HER. her daughter meg swansen is carrying on her work AND her knitting camp.
ez is rather like the julia child of knitting. she throws out a lot of conventional thinking and tells you to do what YOU want, what feels good to YOU. oh, as long as you follow just a FEW tiny rules.
and that brings me back to pi
ez had invented and/or refined many knitting patterns based on mathematical formulas INCLUDING her sweater formulas (proportions. yoke to body. sleeve width and length to body).
she is VERY famous for her pi shawl
(picture above is from wendy johnson)
a poem for pi
Andrea Ausmus
All the world is in love with Pi
That infinite geometric measure
Its calculation has brought many a high
But many frustration and displeasure
Elizabeth Zimmerman was intrigued by Pi
She was known as the guru of knitting
She knitted a "Pi Shawl," but only she knew why
Her effort was unreimitting..............
for knitting books and dvds and the like visit school house press. they feature the work of ez and meg along with other names well known in knitting (such as barbara walker)
people and animlas in crisis
i received a lovely note from kerry patton, the president of the animal law society at quinnipiac university school of law. if at all posssible, do stop by on tuesday march 20th.
Quinnipiac University School of Law
Animal Law Society and Women’s Law Society
“People and Animals in Crisis”
Tuesday, March 20th 6-8 p.m.
Grand Courtroom
Quinnipiac University School of Law
275 Mt. Carmel Avenue, Hamden
Connecticut’s emergency preparedness plan for companion and large animals
Proposed legislation aimed at protecting domestic violence victims by extending protection to the victim’s animals
Featured Speakers:
Dr. Arnold Goldman, Executive Director of the
Connecticut State Animal Response Team
State Representative Diana Urban (D-North Stonington)
Amy Stegall, President and legislative liaison of the
Connecticut Horse Council, Inc.
Representatives from the Meriden Humane Society will be accepting monetary donations for the Meriden Humane Society – checks may be made payable to MHS, East Side Vet, or the Meriden Animal Hospital.
For more information contact
Quinnipiac University School of Law
Animal Law Society and Women’s Law Society
“People and Animals in Crisis”
Tuesday, March 20th 6-8 p.m.
Grand Courtroom
Quinnipiac University School of Law
275 Mt. Carmel Avenue, Hamden
Connecticut’s emergency preparedness plan for companion and large animals
Proposed legislation aimed at protecting domestic violence victims by extending protection to the victim’s animals
Featured Speakers:
Dr. Arnold Goldman, Executive Director of the
Connecticut State Animal Response Team
State Representative Diana Urban (D-North Stonington)
Amy Stegall, President and legislative liaison of the
Connecticut Horse Council, Inc.
Representatives from the Meriden Humane Society will be accepting monetary donations for the Meriden Humane Society – checks may be made payable to MHS, East Side Vet, or the Meriden Animal Hospital.
For more information contact
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
i am NOT a terrorist
but if the nsa NEEDS to see my phone records they can VERY EASILY get a warrant. there is NO NEED for them to do it any other way. hell, as a matter of fact, if they just ASKED me to see them, i would have said YES.
does the nsa suspect there are THOUSANDS of terrorists in connecticut? it sure seems they do. i never thought of connecticut as a HOTBED of terrorist activity but who knows? (i know and it's NOT)
i have cingular and at&t. there is NO REASON at&t should have turned ANY records over WITHOUT proper (and VERY easily obtained as i stated before) warrants.
State regulators to investigate release of phone records
New Britain-AP) _ The state Department of Public Utility Control says it appears it has the power to investigate the release of phone records to the National Security Agency.
In a draft opinion, the agency says it has determined it has jurisdiction to investigate allegations that AT&T and Verizon turned over thousands of Connecticut phone records without warrants to the NSA. ..............
does the nsa suspect there are THOUSANDS of terrorists in connecticut? it sure seems they do. i never thought of connecticut as a HOTBED of terrorist activity but who knows? (i know and it's NOT)
i have cingular and at&t. there is NO REASON at&t should have turned ANY records over WITHOUT proper (and VERY easily obtained as i stated before) warrants.
State regulators to investigate release of phone records
New Britain-AP) _ The state Department of Public Utility Control says it appears it has the power to investigate the release of phone records to the National Security Agency.
In a draft opinion, the agency says it has determined it has jurisdiction to investigate allegations that AT&T and Verizon turned over thousands of Connecticut phone records without warrants to the NSA. ..............
Sunday, March 11, 2007
the meriden humane society
still needs your help. i have been reminded by "shelterdog"
'shelterdog' has said they badly need
'grant writers, board members and fundraisers.
Lots of groups have a Sponsor a Pet button on each pet so people can sponsor a pet.Without good Board members who put in more than an hour a week, MHS is going to stay in trouble. (This info is from the 2005 MHS Tax return)In my area we have a local group of kids who do fundraising. These kids have raised $10,000 in a year and a half! This is a group of kids! A group of adults should be able to match that or do better. '
do you have a few hours to spare a month?
a donation link to the meriden human society
a link to pedigree. "When you purchase a 22 lb. bag of PEDIGREE® Food for Dogs for a shelter, we’ll match your donation with another 22 lb. bag. We’ll even give the food to the shelter of your choice.
Each 22lb bag is only $9.99!"
'shelterdog' has said they badly need
'grant writers, board members and fundraisers.
Lots of groups have a Sponsor a Pet button on each pet so people can sponsor a pet.Without good Board members who put in more than an hour a week, MHS is going to stay in trouble. (This info is from the 2005 MHS Tax return)In my area we have a local group of kids who do fundraising. These kids have raised $10,000 in a year and a half! This is a group of kids! A group of adults should be able to match that or do better. '
do you have a few hours to spare a month?
a donation link to the meriden human society
a link to pedigree. "When you purchase a 22 lb. bag of PEDIGREE® Food for Dogs for a shelter, we’ll match your donation with another 22 lb. bag. We’ll even give the food to the shelter of your choice.
Each 22lb bag is only $9.99!"
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