Tuesday, March 13, 2007

i am NOT a terrorist

but if the nsa NEEDS to see my phone records they can VERY EASILY get a warrant. there is NO NEED for them to do it any other way. hell, as a matter of fact, if they just ASKED me to see them, i would have said YES.

does the nsa suspect there are THOUSANDS of terrorists in connecticut? it sure seems they do. i never thought of connecticut as a HOTBED of terrorist activity but who knows? (i know and it's NOT)

i have cingular and at&t. there is NO REASON at&t should have turned ANY records over WITHOUT proper (and VERY easily obtained as i stated before) warrants.

State regulators to investigate release of phone records

New Britain-AP) _ The state Department of Public Utility Control says it appears it has the power to investigate the release of phone records to the National Security Agency.
In a draft opinion, the agency says it has determined it has jurisdiction to investigate allegations that AT&T and Verizon turned over thousands of Connecticut phone records without warrants to the NSA. ..............

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