fuzzy turtle has pointed me in THIS direction Congressman: Ghraib abuse a 'sex ring,' not torture
Congressman Christopher Shays (R-CT) said in a debate Wednesday night that the abuses at Abu Ghraib were part of a "sex ring," but not torture, RAW STORY has learned.
"It was outrageous, outrageous involvement of National Guard troops," Shays indicated in a debate, "who were involved in a sex ring and they took pictures of soldiers who were naked, and they did other things that were just outrageous. But it wasn't torture."
Shays has since indicated in interviews that though he does consider it sex abuse, and believes sex abuse is torture, he believes it was "more about pornography than torture."
(click on the link there is a VIDEO of him actually SAYING this)
did the entire republican party drop one too many tabs of acid in 1969? it's sounding MORE and MORE like that to me every day. they are NOT living in reality. they are NOT seeing the truth. it's right there in front of their eyes. i can only wonder what mr shays thought of when he was in sudan (i've written to him and he never answered me. i guess i'm glad he never answered me. yet it frightens me he has some responsiblities for reporting on what he saw in sudan).
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
i'm FINALLY done with my log cabin baby blanket
my original posting on it
i'm giving it to my boss today. whew, now i can concentrate on knitting for holiday gifts.

i'm giving it to my boss today. whew, now i can concentrate on knitting for holiday gifts.

connecticut website of the day
connecticut women's hall of fame
Prudence Crandall
Maintained the nation's first private secondary school for "Young Ladies of Color" for over a year and a half - Connecticut's State Heroine
Prudence Crandall was the daughter of Quaker parents who became a symbol in the cause of African American education and abolitionism. In 1831, she opened the Canterbury Female Boarding School at the request of local citizens. A year later she admitted Sarah Harris (1815-1879), the daughter of a prosperous African American farmer, who had completed the district school and wished to train to be a teacher. ................
Prudence Crandall
Maintained the nation's first private secondary school for "Young Ladies of Color" for over a year and a half - Connecticut's State Heroine
Prudence Crandall was the daughter of Quaker parents who became a symbol in the cause of African American education and abolitionism. In 1831, she opened the Canterbury Female Boarding School at the request of local citizens. A year later she admitted Sarah Harris (1815-1879), the daughter of a prosperous African American farmer, who had completed the district school and wished to train to be a teacher. ................
what a GREAT idea
this is sound advice from the police. IF you have a lost pet, BEFORE you go out looking for her or him, inform the police department. strangers approaching kids with a waiting vehicle behind them is NEVER a good idea. what a bunch of savvy kids we have here in connecticut! (i hope ALL kids act this way)
Lost dog attracts attention in Milford
A woman looking for a lost dog in Milford was mistaken as a potential child abductor.
The woman who stopped on Union Street Saturday asked a group of boys if they had seen her lost dog, according to police.
After the boys ran back to their yards, a parent told the woman not to approach them for help, police said.
Although officers initially handled the incident as suspicious, they later found the woman was actually looking for a lost dog, Officer Vaughan Dumas, Milford police spokesman, said.
Dumas said it was the second such incident in Milford in the past two weeks.......
...............A person should report a lost dog before they look for it, which would allow officers to help, Dumas said.
If that were done, officers might not have to investigate suspected................
Lost dog attracts attention in Milford
A woman looking for a lost dog in Milford was mistaken as a potential child abductor.
The woman who stopped on Union Street Saturday asked a group of boys if they had seen her lost dog, according to police.
After the boys ran back to their yards, a parent told the woman not to approach them for help, police said.
Although officers initially handled the incident as suspicious, they later found the woman was actually looking for a lost dog, Officer Vaughan Dumas, Milford police spokesman, said.
Dumas said it was the second such incident in Milford in the past two weeks.......
...............A person should report a lost dog before they look for it, which would allow officers to help, Dumas said.
If that were done, officers might not have to investigate suspected................
the big dick gives his support to da liebs
if i hadn't already made up my mind to vote for ned lamont (which i have), THIS would have brought me over the edge. i sure do hope it jolts YOU into reality as well:
Cheney: Lieberman 'case' illustrates basic philosophical difference between two parties
Ron Brynaert Published: Thursday October 12, 2006
With less than a month to go before the elections, Vice President Dick Cheney offered up strong words of praise for Joe Lieberman, while taking shots at the "Dean Democrats" who have "purged" the Connecticut senator from the Democratic Party.
"The case of Joe Lieberman is a perfect illustration of the basic philosophical difference between the two parties in the year 2006," Cheney said at a Topeka, Kansas fundraiser for Rep. Jim Ryan on Thursday afternoon. "And it's a reminder that the elections on November 7th will have enormous consequences for this nation, one way or the other."
Lieberman is running for reelection as an Independent, after his upset in the Democratic primary to challenger Ned Lamont, primarily due to his continued support of the war in Iraq and his perceived coziness to the Bush Administration..........
Cheney: Lieberman 'case' illustrates basic philosophical difference between two parties
Ron Brynaert Published: Thursday October 12, 2006
With less than a month to go before the elections, Vice President Dick Cheney offered up strong words of praise for Joe Lieberman, while taking shots at the "Dean Democrats" who have "purged" the Connecticut senator from the Democratic Party.
"The case of Joe Lieberman is a perfect illustration of the basic philosophical difference between the two parties in the year 2006," Cheney said at a Topeka, Kansas fundraiser for Rep. Jim Ryan on Thursday afternoon. "And it's a reminder that the elections on November 7th will have enormous consequences for this nation, one way or the other."
Lieberman is running for reelection as an Independent, after his upset in the Democratic primary to challenger Ned Lamont, primarily due to his continued support of the war in Iraq and his perceived coziness to the Bush Administration..........
Thursday, October 12, 2006
what a SLIMEY thing to say
but i'm not at all surprised. they are all just hanging on by a thread and i can't wait until november.
and oh, by the way, i wrote an email to shays a little while ago after i found out he went to sudan. i asked him a couple of questions. i know it's hard to believe, BUT HE NEVER ANSWERED ME (every time i have written to senator dodd he HAS responded)
Shays on Foley handling: At least no one died
HARTFORD, Connecticut (AP) -- Republican Rep. Christopher Shays defended the House speaker's handling of a congressional page scandal, saying no one died like during the 1969 Chappaquiddick incident involving Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy.
"I know the speaker didn't go over a bridge and leave a young person in the water, and then have a press conference the next day," the embattled Connecticut congressman told The Hartford Courant in remarks published Wednesday.
"Dennis Hastert didn't kill anybody," he added.
Shays' comments recalled the Chappaquiddick incident, when Kennedy's car ran off a Massachusetts bridge, killing his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne. Kennedy did not immediately report the tragedy, and he later pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident.
Last week, Kennedy campaigned for Democrat Diane Farrell, who is locked in a bitter fight with Shays that could help determine whether Democrats recapture the House after 12 years of GOP control........
and oh, by the way, i wrote an email to shays a little while ago after i found out he went to sudan. i asked him a couple of questions. i know it's hard to believe, BUT HE NEVER ANSWERED ME (every time i have written to senator dodd he HAS responded)
Shays on Foley handling: At least no one died
HARTFORD, Connecticut (AP) -- Republican Rep. Christopher Shays defended the House speaker's handling of a congressional page scandal, saying no one died like during the 1969 Chappaquiddick incident involving Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy.
"I know the speaker didn't go over a bridge and leave a young person in the water, and then have a press conference the next day," the embattled Connecticut congressman told The Hartford Courant in remarks published Wednesday.
"Dennis Hastert didn't kill anybody," he added.
Shays' comments recalled the Chappaquiddick incident, when Kennedy's car ran off a Massachusetts bridge, killing his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne. Kennedy did not immediately report the tragedy, and he later pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident.
Last week, Kennedy campaigned for Democrat Diane Farrell, who is locked in a bitter fight with Shays that could help determine whether Democrats recapture the House after 12 years of GOP control........
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
connecticut web site of the day

mark kimball moulton
if you have kids or even if you DON'T have kids, get one or more of mark's books. they are amazing and beautiful and lovely and delightful
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
the town of west hartford
is EFFING NUTS. i stopped by my popi's house today (he's home on tuesdays. one of the only days he is home. he is 79 years old. he has been living in west hartford in the SAME HOUSE for 45 years.). he got a letter from the town. they have appraised his house at TWICE what it was last appraised at. that means he has to pay taxes on THAT amount. THAT IS EFFED UP. that is ALL blue black. i voted against it TWICE but it went through. TWICE the taxes. oh the mill rate didn't go down mind you. i'm even guessing it went up. i didn't read the letter (yet). i will tomorrow. i am going to write to the town AND the courant. not that it will do any good. it won't. but again. that is SO effed up. TWICE, DOUBLE his taxes. my dad is 79 and on a fixed income. SHITE. that is EFFED UP. i am so mad my head is spinning 360 degrees
Monday, October 09, 2006
if indeed he IS packing
why the hell would a mayor of a connecticut town (and yes, he's a democrat) need to bring one or two concealed (or unconcealed) weapons to a town hall meeting? after all this isn't baghdad, IT'S CONNECTICUT
i think you can guess i am NOT a proponent of guns for ANYONE except law enforcement and military.
anyway, to me this type of story is eye opening.
Stratford officials worry about mayor carrying guns
STRATFORD, Conn. --Mayor James R. Miron is taking some heat for allegedly packing heat.
A Town Council leader and some town workers say Miron has taken a handgun into his Town Hall office and town council meetings, raising concerns about public safety and making them uncomfortable, the Connecticut Post reported Sunday. Some say they have seen the mayor with a gun at both his hip and strapped to his ankle.
Miron, 41, a lawyer and retired Marine, refused to confirm or deny that he carries weapons to Town Hall or meetings. But he defended his right to do so.
"If I do carry guns to Town Hall, I would never admit that for personal safety reasons and my own right to privacy," said Miron, a Democrat. "I don't want someone intent on firing a gun at me or anyone else knowing if I carry guns or not."
Miron said he has had a gun permit since 1999. Local police say he had a town permit that expired last year. The mayor says he now has a state permit that allows him to carry guns anywhere in the state. He said the only reason he would fire his weapon is to defend himself or to save another person's life.
Under state permits, weapons must be concealed at all times, police say. Records on gun permits are not accessible by the public.
"It is my right to carry guns, and it is also my right not to confirm when and where I carry them," Miron said.
James Feehan, a Republican and chairman of the Town Council, told the newspaper that he saw the mayor carrying two guns at the same time -- one strapped to the ankle and the other under his suit jacket -- during a council meeting within the past few months........
i think you can guess i am NOT a proponent of guns for ANYONE except law enforcement and military.
anyway, to me this type of story is eye opening.
Stratford officials worry about mayor carrying guns
STRATFORD, Conn. --Mayor James R. Miron is taking some heat for allegedly packing heat.
A Town Council leader and some town workers say Miron has taken a handgun into his Town Hall office and town council meetings, raising concerns about public safety and making them uncomfortable, the Connecticut Post reported Sunday. Some say they have seen the mayor with a gun at both his hip and strapped to his ankle.
Miron, 41, a lawyer and retired Marine, refused to confirm or deny that he carries weapons to Town Hall or meetings. But he defended his right to do so.
"If I do carry guns to Town Hall, I would never admit that for personal safety reasons and my own right to privacy," said Miron, a Democrat. "I don't want someone intent on firing a gun at me or anyone else knowing if I carry guns or not."
Miron said he has had a gun permit since 1999. Local police say he had a town permit that expired last year. The mayor says he now has a state permit that allows him to carry guns anywhere in the state. He said the only reason he would fire his weapon is to defend himself or to save another person's life.
Under state permits, weapons must be concealed at all times, police say. Records on gun permits are not accessible by the public.
"It is my right to carry guns, and it is also my right not to confirm when and where I carry them," Miron said.
James Feehan, a Republican and chairman of the Town Council, told the newspaper that he saw the mayor carrying two guns at the same time -- one strapped to the ankle and the other under his suit jacket -- during a council meeting within the past few months........
Sunday, October 08, 2006
tibetfest 2006
it started yesterday and is going to continue today and tomorrow as well. in litchfield 10:00 am until dusk.
Tibetan Culture Converges Festival In Litchfield Showcases Arts, History, Humor Of Region And Its People
By HILDA MUÑOZ Courant Staff Writer October 8 2006
LITCHFIELD -- A Tibetan festival opened Saturday morning on a grassy field at a nature preserve in Litchfield. Visitors, vendors and performers surrounded a pyre of burning incense while a Tibetan monk led the crowd in a spiritual song.After the opening ceremony at TibetFest 2006, held at the White Memorial Conservation Center, the crowd dispersed to share, revel in and learn about Tibetan culture and causes. Vendors sold handicrafts, clothes and rugs. Under sunny skies, visitors strolled around the booths, ate Tibetan noodles and dumplings or watched the dancers, musicians and singers.There was an exhibit by a Tibetan photographer. A painter displayed prints of his tangkas, which are paintings of religious deities. A monk made a colorful mandala out of sand.Phurbu Dolma, 28, sat on the grass with her family and listened while a performer sang modern Tibetan songs."It's beautiful here. I like it because all our own people are here and Tibet is going on. It's about Tibetan culture," said Dolma, who lives in Virginia but was in Litchfield visiting family.TibetFest continues today and Monday from 10 a.m. to dusk.
Tibetan Culture Converges Festival In Litchfield Showcases Arts, History, Humor Of Region And Its People
By HILDA MUÑOZ Courant Staff Writer October 8 2006
LITCHFIELD -- A Tibetan festival opened Saturday morning on a grassy field at a nature preserve in Litchfield. Visitors, vendors and performers surrounded a pyre of burning incense while a Tibetan monk led the crowd in a spiritual song.After the opening ceremony at TibetFest 2006, held at the White Memorial Conservation Center, the crowd dispersed to share, revel in and learn about Tibetan culture and causes. Vendors sold handicrafts, clothes and rugs. Under sunny skies, visitors strolled around the booths, ate Tibetan noodles and dumplings or watched the dancers, musicians and singers.There was an exhibit by a Tibetan photographer. A painter displayed prints of his tangkas, which are paintings of religious deities. A monk made a colorful mandala out of sand.Phurbu Dolma, 28, sat on the grass with her family and listened while a performer sang modern Tibetan songs."It's beautiful here. I like it because all our own people are here and Tibet is going on. It's about Tibetan culture," said Dolma, who lives in Virginia but was in Litchfield visiting family.TibetFest continues today and Monday from 10 a.m. to dusk.
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