Friday, May 26, 2006
choose life - oh, THIS isn't what they meant?
John Hodge)
Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself.
Choose your future.
Choose life.
to tell you the truth, i really don't think i have EVER seen one of these plates and if i have, it sure didn't register with me. i like the ANIMAL plates though! oh the save the sound ones are cool too
Pro-Life License Plates Under Fire
DMV To Reconsider Sponsor's Eligibility
By JON LENDER Courant Staff Writer May 26 2006
A swirling national First Amendment debate hit Connecticut Thursday as the Department of Motor Vehicles said it will stop issuing special "Choose Life" license plates for The Children First Foundation - a New York-based pro-adoption group opposed to abortion - while it investigates, along with the attorney general, whether the foundation qualifies for the plates. DMV Commissioner Ralph J. Carpenter agreed to reconsider the small foundation's eligibility for the plates - a status it applied for, and was granted, in 2003 - based on a letter Wednesday from Attorney General Richard Blumenthal and a Democratic state legislator charging that the group has "negligible, if any, `operations' in Connecticut, much less a base of operations in this state."The charge surprised the nonprofit group's founder and president, Elizabeth Rex of Yonkers, N.Y. She had heard nothing from Blumenthal about such questions - but she quickly produced a series of letters from Connecticut officials who have recognized her group's efforts in recent years. The letters came from Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, Govs. John G. Rowland and M. Jodi Rell, the state's child advocate - and Blumenthal himself."Please extend my deepest appreciation and admiration to your members for the outstanding work that they do in advocating that every abandoned child should have a home with adoptive parents who love that child unconditionally," Blumenthal wrote Rex March 4, 2003.......
wow, i went out on the ct dmv site and there are a TON of plates available! way more than the last time i checked
ravings of a semi-sane madwoman: soooooooooooooo#links
and now i find this in the state of connecticut
Manchester man sentenced in child sex assault
a man gets FIVE YEARS for sexually abusing a child from the time she was EIGHT until she was FOURTEEN???? he has a PRIOR conviction from the 70s too. he was caught with a WEAPON in jail but FIVE YEARS IS ALL HE'S GOING TO ACTUALLY DO. WTF is wrong with THAT picture?
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
wednesday may 24th 6:00 am
no amount of ANYTHING would EVER make me think
Woman Injured By Shot Police Believe Round Not Aimed At Her
By CHRISTINE DEMPSEY Courant Staff Writer May 23 2006
TOLLAND -- Pam Gale was sitting in the car with her husband after attending a wedding when she heard what sounded like an explosion.A bullet shattered her passenger-side window, which was inches from her head, and lodged in the car's ceiling above the back seat.Flying glass cut the right side of Gale's face, her jaw and the right side of her neck, the Newington woman said Monday night. An inch-long gash to the back of her head, which may have been caused by the bullet grazing her, took two stitches to close, she said.Still, Pam Gale, 47, and her husband, Andrew Gale, 45, were safe."It was definitely my lucky day," she said.Trooper John O'Connor, who is investigating the Saturday shooting, put it differently."She's beyond lucky," he said.O'Connor said the shooting appears to be unintentional.........
check this out if you please
this is what happens when we don't care about one another
Fear Delays Call For Help Worker's Fall Now An Immigration Case
By ARIELLE LEVIN BECKER And DANIELA ALTIMARI Courant Staff Writers May 24 2006 MIDDLETOWN -- When she first heard the crash, Valerie Melanson figured it was debris.Then she saw several of the men who had been working on the roof next door rush to the back of the house. A young man from Ecuador who was part of the construction crew was lying in the driveway, on his back."I saw them trying to revive the guy," she said. "And they weren't having a good time at it."Melanson asked if the men had called for help; one of them waved her away.But time slipped by and she still hadn't heard sirens. Finally, Melanson dialed 911.Police say the men, apparently fearful of detection by immigration officials, tried to administer their own form of first aid to an injured co-worker, who had fallen 30 feet off the steeply pitched roof late Monday morning.Ultimately, a half-hour elapsed before the injured man got the medical help he desperately needed. He was flown by helicopter to Hartford Hospital with a broken leg, dislocated shoulder and other injuries.The remaining seven workers were taken into custody by federal authorities. Five have been released and ordered to appear in immigration court; the other two are being detained by authorities.......
more on lewis

but still NO decision yet (and i hope his life is spared). ms cisero MUST NOT let lewis leave the house though. EVER
Owner faces hearing over cat
May 23, 2006
BRIDGEPORT, Conn. --Lewis the cat, whose alleged attacks have landed his owner in legal trouble, will learn his fate in court next month.
Ruth Cisero, the cat's owner, was in court Tuesday on a charge of second-degree reckless endangerment. A hearing was set for June 20 to determine whether she could get special probation and have her cat's life spared.
Cisero, a Fairfield resident, recently withdrew her bid for special probation and opted for trial because she would have had to allow Lewis to be euthanized.
"She's on pins and needles," said Eugene Riccio, attorney for Cisero and Lewis. "The animal is important to her. It's a member of her family."........
howard dean's brother backs him AND SO DO I
PAC run by Howard Dean's brother endorses Lamont
By Susan Haigh, AP Political Writer May 23, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. --A liberal political action committee run by the brother of Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean is backing U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman's opponent, highlighting the displeasure some Democrats have with the moderate senator's support of the war in Iraq.
The group, Democracy for America, raised $20,000 for Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont within three hours of posting the endorsement on its Web site, executive director Tom Hughes said.
"Ned Lamont has been loud and clear about America's position in Iraq and world affairs, one of the most important concerns for voters," said Jim Dean of Fairfield, chairman of the Vermont-based PAC. "Sen. Lieberman has been a broken record for supporting broken policies.".......
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
passage of a GOOD bill in the house!!!

but who the hell are the 24 who voted AGAINST this bill i wonder?
By Jim Abrams, Associated Press Writer May 22, 2006
A television shot of a little boy losing his dog during Katrina rescue operations was the catalyst for House passage Monday of legislation requiring pets to be considered in future emergency preparedness plans.
"The dog was taken away from this little boy, and to watch his face was a singularly revealing and tragic experience," said Rep. Tom Lantos, D-Calif., sponsor of the Pet Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act. "This legislation was born at that moment."
The bill, which passed 349-24, requires that state and local preparedness offices take into account pet owners, household pets and service animals when drawing up evacuation plans. Offices that fail to do so would not qualify for grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., with Lantos a co-chair of the Congressional Friends of Animals Caucus, said estimates are that some 600,000 animals either died or were left without shelter as a result of Hurricane Katrina. He added that the lack of pet rescue plans also put many pet owners in danger.
"When asked to choose between abandoning their pets or their personal safety, many pet owners chose to risk their lives," he said.
The Humane Society of the United States cited a recent Zogby International poll that found that 49 percent of adults say they would refuse to evacuate if they couldn't take their pets with them......
what's this? interesting news i must say
Dodd Poised For Possible '08 Presidential Run
10:00 PM EDT,May 22, 2006 By DAVID LIGHTMAN, Washington Bureau Chief
WASHINGTON -- Sen. Christopher J. Dodd said today he has "decided to do all the things that are necessary to prepare to seek the presidency in 2008."The Connecticut Democrat will hire staff, raise money and travel around the country in the next few months as he tries to enlist support.Like other presidential contenders, Dodd said during a lengthy interview in his Capitol Hill office that he will not formally decide until early next year whether to make his bid official. At the moment, he joins about 10 other major Democratic Party figures who are considering a run.Dodd came close to running in 2004 but never entered the race. Circumstances are different today -- he is not up for re-election to his Senate seat, and colleague Joe Lieberman is not running for president.Dodd, who turns 62 Saturday, was elected by a wide margin to a fifth Senate term in 2004. He has never lost an election, but starts his White House effort as a long shot -- invisible in most presidential preference polls..........
a great little analysis of the liebs
.....Friday was a bad day for Senator Joseph Lieberman. The Connecticut Democratic Party's nominating convention endorsed him, but that was a given for an incumbent with a lot of political chips to cash in. The real news was that Ned Lamont, an almost unknown challenger, received a third of the votes. This gave Mr. Lamont the right to run against Mr. Lieberman in a primary, and suggests that Mr. Lamont may even win..............
Monday, May 22, 2006

it's cool they're remaining anonymous!
Couple Donates $2 Million To Restore Whaling Ship
POSTED: 12:31 pm EDT May 19, 2006
MYSTIC, Conn. -- Mystic Seaport's effort to restore the whaling ship Charles W. Morgan has received a $2 million boost.
A couple, who wish to remain anonymous, has donated the money for the work, which is expected to cost about $3.5 million.........
goodbye pat
Pat Seremet 1947-2006
Longtime Hartford Courant writer Pat Seremet dies at 58
Other Voices On Knowing Pat Seremet
Sunday, May 21, 2006
there WILL be a primary!
Lieberman wins nomination, but Lamont forces primary
By Susan Haigh, AP Political Writer May 19, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. --U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman was nominated for a fourth term by state Democrats Friday night, but his anti-war challenger garnered enough delegates to force a primary in August.
Backers of Ned Lamont, a Greenwich businessman who has sharply criticized the moderate senator for his support of the war in Iraq, shouted with delight after learning their candidate will be the first to challenge Lieberman to a primary.
Lieberman won 1,004 of the 1,509 votes cast at the state convention, while Lamont won 505. Lamont captured 33 percent of the delegates, well more than the 15 percent he needed to force the primary.
Sean Smith, Lieberman's campaign manager, downplayed Lamont's delegate support. He said Friday's vote showed that Democrats in Connecticut still back the veteran senator, despite his support of the war.
"I think we're moving into friendlier territory," Smith said of the Aug. 8 primary. "There are 600,000 Democrats who are going to be heard from before this is over."
Lieberman worked Friday night to fend off Lamont's challenge, reminding convention delegates that he stands for more than his support for the war. He held a barbecue for delegates in the parking lot of the Connecticut Expo Center to smooth things over.
Lieberman said he has called hundreds of delegates in recent weeks, talking about the environment, his support of the U.S. Submarine Base in Groton, education and other issues.
"I'm a proud Democrat and I'm going to carry the battle forward," said Lieberman, who had to leave the convention early to observe the Jewish sabbath.
Lamont said he believes the level of support he received at the convention will send a message to Washington that people are fed up with the war.....................