Saturday, August 15, 2009
OH NO, I PERSONALLY AM NOT LETTING YOU OFF THE HOOK. the ONLY thing you're sorry about is that you got caught being beyond uncaring. you got caught BLAMING A VICTIM OF RAPE FOR HER OWN RAPE (at gunpoint in front of her kids. the rapist had a GUN on her kids and threatened one of the kids with rape as well). oh marriott, you made one hell of a giant mistake and i personally hope people hold you accountable (by taking their business elsewhere).
so people of the WORLD I AM BEGGING YOU - DO NOT STAY IN A MARRIOTT. DON'T. they KNEW what they were doing and saying when they had their lawyers say the woman who was raped was at fault BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T TAKE ENOUGH CARE (by the way, she was strapping her kids into the back of her van when the rapist approached her IN THE MARRIOTT PARKING GARAGE). oh, and the marriott said THEY were NOT at fault because they could NOT FORESEE this occurring (but she fucking COULD?????????????????). so marriott FUCK YOU. i do NOT accept your apology NOR SHOULD ANYONE ELSE
it's an ap article so i'm not printing one WORD of it. i'll print the following link to it though
Hotel Now Expresses Sympathy For Rape Victim Suing It
Friday, August 14, 2009
i remember the first time i tasted a david glass cake

i thought i was in heaven. yes, it was THAT good. i can't even describe it so i'm not even going to try.
i've since become vegan so his cakes are no longer an option. however, i am ever so saddened by this news. it just should NOT be. if you WERE going to buy a cheesecake, you SHOULD have spent the money on HIS. i don't even like cheesecake and yet, i had an orgasmic experience
(i think the first time i had a piece of his cake he ONLY made cheesecakes. now i think he has a few more types)
desserts by david glass
Legendary Cake Maker, David Glass, Closing Shop
David Glass cakes have graced stomachs from Connecticut to the White House
Just the mention of a David Glass cake makes mouths water, but the legendary maker of high-end desserts is going out of business.
Desserts by David Glass, a high-end Bloomfield cakery, will close after 28 years, reeling from losing a big wholesale customer, recession and debt, the Hartford Courant reports........
Desserts By David Glass Going Out Of Business
By KENNETH R. GOSSELIN The Hartford Courant
Savor a slice of David Glass cake, and they say you'll never forget the taste.
Now, all that will be left is that memory.
Desserts by David Glass, the iconic, high-end Bloomfield cake purveyor, is going out of business after 28 years, succumbing to the loss of one of its biggest wholesale customers, a recession that crimped spending, and debt that the company could not repay.
The decision to close is a wrenching one for Glass, who started the company in a house on Sargeant Street in Hartford and for years operated under the Blue Onion dome at the Colt Building. He made a name for himself with his signature "Ultimate Chocolate Truffle Cake" and gained rave reviews in New York, launching a brand that became sought after well beyond Connecticut.
pic of david glass: DAVID GLASS, owner of Desserts by David Glass, will be shutting down his Bloomfield-based company after 28 years in business. The company's most famous cake was the "Ultimate Chocolate Truffle Cake." (MARK MIRKO/THE HARTFORD COURANT. / September 11, 2008)
pic of white chocolate cake from nbc 30
i'm NEVER going to stay in a marriott EVER
and i'm going to ask you to do the same if at all possible. if i'm reading this story correctly
#1) the marriott is blaming a woman for her OWN rape. the rape happened in a marriott garage.
#2) the marriott is claiming the woman was careless yet says it is NOT at fault because "the ACTS were beyond their control" (but apparently NOT beyond control of the women who was raped)
#3) the marriott called a BUNCH of witnesses who were friends, family or otherwise knew the woman. these 'witnesses' had NO KNOWLEDGE OF HER ASSAULT AND THERE WAS NO REASON FOR THEM TO BE CALLED OTHER THAN TO a) identify the victim whose identify of course was not SUPPOSED TO BE revealed TO ANY EFFING ONE and b) intimidate her
again, if i'm reading this correctly and it's all true, eff the marriott. every single person in the world should be OUTRAGED at the marriott's conduct
(by the way, i am in no way saying the marriott was GUILTY of neglect in the rape. i don't know if they were or not. that's not the point. the point is it appears they are fighting dirty.
oh did i mention the woman was raped in front of her two childen aged 3 and 5? did i also mention the rapist gary fricker had a gun on her children the WHOLE time and threatened their lives if the woman didn't comply?
Stamford Marriott claims woman was negligent in her own rape
By Monica Potts
Staff Writer
STAMFORD -- A downtown hotel being sued by a woman raped at gunpoint in its parking garage is claiming she was careless, negligent and "failed to exercise due care for her own safety and the safety of her children and proper use of her senses and facilities," according to court documents.
The victim's attorneys also argue the hotel has inadvertently identified her to acquaintances by asking them to testify.
The Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa, along with the firms in charge of managing the hotel and its parking garage, made the claim as part of a list of special defenses filed in state Superior Court in Stamford last month. Such defenses allow defendants in civil suits to argue they are not responsible for damages even if the plaintiff's story is true.
The special defenses, and the plaintiff's argument against them, are a few of the documents filed in a series of arguments and counterarguments as the case heads for trial, scheduled for April.
The woman filed the lawsuit in May 2008, six months after Danbury native Gary Fricker, 56, was sentenced to 20 years in prison after a plea deal in the case.
On Oct. 10, 2006, Fricker stuck a handgun in the back of the then 40-year-old woman and forced her and her children, then 3 and 5, into their minivan as they left the hotel, according to court documents...............
update: video from the courant but it's really a faux 61 vid
Thursday, August 13, 2009
shout out to northwest park

in windsor. we just had our department picnic there. of course it was raining BUT we had a pavilion (well they called it the 'warming shed'). according to their website there's a picnic pavilion as well. i know they have an animal barn and a nature center and a pond and trails and a butterfly garden and a maple sugar house and a tobacco museum (it's WINDSOR y'all. HOME of connecticut tobacco). it's open to the public for use from dawn to dusk. i HIGHLY recommend it, especially if you have kids but it's fun for all ages. it's over 470 acres. it's a town park that is VERY well maintained.
yes, you can even grill (you have to bring it though). i believe you must reserve one of the picnic areas to grill though.
i had a blast. we played BINGO - using a real bingo set generously loaned to us by the half door
it stopped raining long enough for us to throw a football and play a bit of badminton and take a short walk here and there.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
as if
Two Hartford-Area Post Offices No Longer Being Considered For Closure
Bill Leukhardt
WEST HARTFORD - The post office branch on LaSalle Road here and one in East Hartford are no longer in danger of being closed by the postal service as a way to trim costs.
Pauline Dean, the president of the Hartford postal workers union, called West Hartford Mayor Scott Slifka Tuesday to say that the two branches are no longer on the list of facilities statewide being reviewed by postal officials.............
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
saw this at pam's house blend yesterday
Help Needed in Urging Connecticut AG Blumenthal to Join Massachusetts in DOMA Challenge
by: JohnVisser
(I wanted to hold off promoting this until Monday so more people would see this diary. - promoted by Pam Spaulding)Paul Sousa, of, has started a campaign to urge Connecticut's Attorney General, Richard Blumenthal, to join Massachusetts in their lawsuit challenging section 3 of DOMA.
AG Blumenthal has a long history of support for the LGBT community but he needs some pushing from his "monitoring" of the situation to taking action.
Here is the campaign site:
And here is the facebook page:
Paul is asking us to call, fax, e-mail, write and visit AG Blumenthal next week, August 10th through August 14th.
I will be visting his office next week and would like to find other Connecticut residents who would like to go with me. If interested, please contact me at My time is flexible so I can arrange the visit around your schedule.
Below the fold is the letter I mailed today. Please write your own or feel free to copy mine..............................
something to be proud of?????
ah and more to come. steve and maury are going to film in our fair state as well.
why not letterman or dick cavett i ask? why not the cream instead of the crap?
Jerry Springer Show Debuts In Connecticut
By ERIC GERSHON The Hartford Courant
STAMFORD - Audience members crowded to the Rich Forum in Stamford Monday morning for the first day of taping of The Jerry Springer Show in Connecticut. Starting this week, the converted stage theater is being used by NBC Universal to tape the talk show of the provocative talk show host, as well as The Steve Wilkos Show and "Maury," with Maury Povich.
The scene Monday was orderly, as many people who had arranged for tickets months in advance to be part of the first Springer show studio audience of about 175 people got their first glimpse at the theater. The Springer show, scheduled to tape three episodes today, is in its 19th season. Production moved from Chicago to Connecticut, lured by the state's 30 percent film and TV production credits.