Friday, October 20, 2006

oh my



uh oh

well, the FIRST thing i do with fruit or vegetables when i get them home is wash them in a colendar in the sink. i check the bananas too before leaving them on the counter.

Black widow spider found in supermarket grapes

By Shelley K. Wong, Associated Press Writer October 19, 2006
HARTFORD, Conn. --Price Chopper removed a brand of black seedless grapes from the shelves at its Newington supermarket Thursday after a woman said she found a poisonous black widow spider.
Sheryl Rosen of Rocky Hill bought a bag of Autumn Royal black seedless grapes on sale Tuesday. It wasn't until Thursday, when she was eating some grapes at work, that she found the spider in the bag.
"I couldn't believe it," said Rosen, who was not injured. "I never thought I'd see a black widow around here."
The spider was taken to the Connecticut Poison Control Center at the University of Connecticut Health Center, where Rosen works, and verified as a black widow.
"Right now, we have it in a jar and we will wait until we hear if anyone is investigating further about the source," said Bernard Sangalli, toxicologist and administrative director of the center.......


fuzzyturtle said...

poor spidey.. but it would freak me out to find her in my food.

note to self.. search those mangos you bought yesterday..

teatime is fine, let me know if you're ever up in the not so quiet NW corner. I could use a cup today, I just read that Lamont is trailing JoeMomma in the Q-Poll :(

bah. CT deserves better than Mr Torture-Keep Terry Schiavo Alive-pro BushTaliban ::((

Unknown said...

you're up early on a saturday!!!

i need a cup o' steamin' joe right now myself.

i know ned is behind but i am hopeful. people HAVE to see the light

Kate said...

Hey Rose I thought about you when I saw this on Channel 8 that night. I am with that grapes for me for a while..

Hey guess who got to shake hands with Mr Lamont? Yours truly the night he was in Milford. There is a picture of me (in the background) on teh front page of the Milford Weekly..

Unknown said...

the grapes this year have been astonishingly sweet. it's kind of hard to give them up. i DO bag them again (on top of the bag they come in) and as i said, wash them immediately

congratulations on meeting ned! the polls don't look good but as i've said, i sure do hope people come around and realize there is ONLY ONE choice in november (which is just a couple of weeks away..........)

Kate said...

Thank you...yeah I saw the polls but what matters is what happens on election day...:)

Unknown said...

well kate, i am always one of the first, if not THE first to vote at 6 am on election days. i vote at my old elementary school. it's an odd feeling