Sunday, January 15, 2006

i don't know where these people are looking

but i personally am seeing MORE AND MORE people chatting on their cell phones in their cars WITHOUT pulling over and WITHOUT head sets. damn cell phones, there are people who even bring them into the women's rest room at work.

Keeping Hands Off The Phone Police Find Drivers Learning About Ban
Courant Staff Writer January 15 2006
Hospice nurse Nancy Munnelly was driving to work in early October when a call came in on her cellphone, advising her to go to the home of a patient who had died.Before she realized what she had done, she was pulled over and issued a $100 ticket for breaking a newly enacted law that prohibits use of hand-held cellphones while driving."I wasn't thinking about the cellphone law, I was just doing my job," she said. "The law was brand new."As a result, the Weston resident became one of the first of more than 2,400 drivers across the state who have been ticketed since Oct. 1 for an activity that had been almost as common as drinking coffee.Police officials say the data are still being compiled, but anecdotal accounts and simple observations indicate the law is making a difference when it comes to safer driving."I'm seeing more headsets and more people pulling over to talk on their cellphones," said West Hartford Police Chief James Strillacci. "I think people are still getting used to the new law, and there is a learning curve here. But we've only issued 51 tickets in West Hartford since the law went into effect, and that's less than one a day."...........

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