annie le. what has to happen now is for the police to find the beast who did this. and find that person IMMEDIATELY
we were all hoping for something OTHER than this ending.
Body Found, Thought To Be Missing Yale Student Annie Le
Hartford Courant
NEW HAVEN - Police officials said Sunday night they have found a body inside the wall of a Yale University building and are assuming it to be that of Annie Le, the Yale graduate student missing since Tuesday.
The grim announcement was made on the day that Le, 24, was scheduled to be wed.
The body was found at 10 Amistad St., a research building in the Yale Medical School complex, where Le was last seen.
Assistant Police Chief Peter Reichard said state police found the body at approximately 5 p.m. As of late Sunday, the body had not been positively identified, but Reichard said that investigators are assuming for now that it is Le's body. The body was found inside a chase, a square area in a wall used to run pipes and wires from floor to floor. Police would not say which wall or what area of the building the body was found. Le's family has been contacted, he said.
(Pictures: Police Search For Annie Le)
Le, originally from Placerville, Calif., was to get married today at the North Ritz Club in Syosset, N.Y. to Jonathan Widawsky, a graduate student at Columbia University in New York. Police have said that he is not a suspect and is helping with the investigation. Reichard would not say if police have any suspects.
New Haven police are now the lead investigators in the case, which is now considered a homicide investigation. Yale University police, the FBI, state police and the New Haven state's attorney's office are assisting with the investigation.............
Police Seeking Missing Yale Student Find Body
NEW HAVEN — It was supposed to have been Annie Le’s wedding night. But hours after the missing Yale graduate student was to have been married, investigators found a body stuffed inside a wall of the lab building where she was last seen alive on Tuesday.
While the remains had yet to be officially identified, Peter Reichard, the assistant New Haven police chief, said the authorities were assuming they were of Ms. Le, 24, a slight, California-bred daughter of Vietnamese immigrants who was studying pharmacology.
The discovery appeared to have ended the six-day search for Ms. Le that began with speculation of a runaway bride but quickly gave way to near certainty that a crime had been committed.
Yale University’s president, Richard C. Levin, wrote in an e-mail message to students Sunday night, “Our hearts go out to Annie Le’s family, fiancĂ© and friends, who must suffer the additional ordeal of waiting for the body to be identified.”.........Remains Of Annie Le Believed Found;
“A Time For Compassion,” Levin Says
by Paul Bass and Melissa Bailey |
(Updated: 10:35 p.m.) Police found what they believe is the body of missing Yale med student Annie Le on the day she was to be married, ending a five-day manhunt that transfixed the nation.
New Haven police made the announcement at a press conference at 1 Union Ave. at 9 p.m. Sunday.
State police found human remains shortly after 5 p.m. Sunday inside a wall in the basement of 10 Amistad St., the Yale medical building where Le was last seen, according to Assistant Police Chief Pete Reichard and Yale President Richard Levin. Police have not yet identified the body, but they believe it is Annie Le (pictured).../
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