they KNEW who the alleged perp was. perhaps someone saw him prior to the release of his picture yesterday. perhaps he COULD have been caught. hell, the little girl lost an arm.
Detectives in the juvenile division of the Hartford Police Department said Friday they were searching for Jamie Hoy, also known as Jaime Hoy, formerly of 1 Lawrence St., on kidnapping and abuse charges. Copyright 2006, Hartford Courant
Man Sought After Girl, 6, Is Burned And Beaten As Result Of Brutal Attack An Arm Couldn't Be Saved
Courant Staff Writer
January 7 2006
A brutal attack on a 6-year-old disabled girl in which she suffered burns and broken bones that led to the amputation of her left arm has police looking for a 29-year-old city man.Detectives in the juvenile division of the Hartford Police Department said Friday they were searching for Jamie Hoy, also known as Jaime Hoy, formerly of 1 Lawrence St., on kidnapping and abuse charges.The girl, sources familiar with the case said, was severely disabled before the attack. She had limited mobility in her legs, and trouble speaking.On Dec. 30, the child was taken to the hospital with broken bones and burns to her left arm, which had to be amputated, police and sources said.Citing police sources, WFSB-TV, Channel 3, reported that Hoy tried to make a splint for the girl, but allegedly wrapped the arm so tight it cut off the girl's circulation and doctors were later forced to amputate.Police have been looking for Hoy since they were informed of the attack, but did not go public with the information until Friday.Officials at the state Department of Children and Families would not comment on the case late Friday, citing state confidentiality laws that prohibit them from discussing open investigations of possible child abuse or neglect............
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