Sunday, March 04, 2007

from my left nutmeg

i too was wondering why the hell the democrats let da liebs give the democratic radio speech. they ASKED him???? wtf?????????????

they're really acting like a bunch of no-balls republicans

thanks mattw for bringing shays to our attention on this. NOT that it will do one bit of good. BUT WE will know in our hearts and the soldiers will know in THEIR hearts too

Chris Shays and Walter Reed

by mattw on Sat Mar 03, 2007 at 16:03:59 PM EST

Did anyone notice this? I did not notice this. Someone on the Courant's bulletin board pointed it out to me:
Mr. Lightman glosses over the fact that Chris Shays, who was not only the top Republican, but also that subcommittee's chairman during all the years that wounded veterans were subjected to such horrific treatment at the facility, did nothing to expose those abuses and did nothing to bring the situation to light.
Shays is a crafty son of a bitch, and despite being the top Republican on the committee, has avoided issuing a press release on the Walter Reed hearings. (However, while this has been in the news, he was awarded a "Humane Legislator of the Year" award, apparently for his work with the Blackwater widows.) He obviously doesn't want to draw attention to himself on this issue, because there's a pretty good chance that whatever gets thrown at him on Walter Reed is going to stick...........I want to say, as disappointed as I am that Lieberman delivered the Democratic radio response to the Walter Reed fiasco, I'm reminded
of an event where Shays and Lieberman had a lot of good things to say about one another, and I can't help but think that there's the beginning of a good story in this............

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